Terri needs your help! PLEASE SHARE!
Terri is one of the strongest people I know. She has survived breast cancer twice, battles with Sarcoidosis, developed bone marrow cancer, and had a bone marrow transplant.
She has been battling host vs graft disease for the past year. It has attacked her lungs which means being on oxygen 24/7. She recently found out that it is now attacking her skeletal system. It has settled in her hip. Her hip will colapse in time.
She was told due to her lungs she cannot under go surgery. They can only offer her pain management. Therefore, she is now confined to a wheel chair. Terri will need a wheel chair, a ramp put on her home, a walk in tub installed and a vehical with a lift. This is all on top of the medical expenses with her treatments every two weeks and the medications she is on.
Terri has poured her talents into so many people through the years I hope we can give back. She has an amazing strong faith. If you are in the position to help her out financially it would be greatly appreicated. Whether you can give or not please keep Terri and Wade in your prayers through this next hurdle.