Help Us Ignite the Spirit of Innovation: Support Tesla Fest 2024!
Imagine a place where the past meets the future, where the brilliance of one of history's greatest inventors inspires new generations to reach for the stars. This place exists, and it's called Tesla Fest – a unique festival dedicated to the life and legacy of the extraordinary Nikola Tesla.
What is Tesla Fest?
Tesla Fest is not just a festival; it's a movement. It's an annual celebration that brings together people from all walks of life to honour Nikola Tesla's groundbreaking achievements. With various thematic activities and initiatives spread over multiple days and locations, Tesla Fest 2024 is set to be our most ambitious event yet, taking place amidst the stunning backdrop of Niagara Falls.
A Festival of Innovation, Knowledge, and Community Tesla Fest fosters inclusivity by uniting attendees in their appreciation of Tesla's contributions to science and technology. Our festival serves as a beacon of inspiration for future generations, showcasing the boundless potential of human creativity intersecting with scientific inquiry.
Here's what you can expect:
Science Conference (July 12th at Niagara Power Station): Engage with leading scientists, engineers, and innovators pushing the possible boundaries. This conference will be a hub of knowledge and inspiration, where attendees can delve into the latest advancements and explore Tesla's enduring influence on modern technology.
Nikola Tesla Day (July 13th at Queen Victoria Park): Join us as we celebrate Tesla's birthday with a day filled with interactive exhibits, live demonstrations, and family-friendly activities. This celebration will culminate in the creation of the "Tesla Electrical Circuit," where every participant and visitor becomes a part of a larger, meaningful entity dedicated to Tesla's life and work.
Why We Need Your Help?
Organizing an event of this magnitude requires resources and support from our community. Contributing to our GoFundMe campaign will help us cover the costs of venue and stage rentals, speaker fees, educational materials, and interactive exhibits. Your donation will directly impact the success of Tesla Fest 2024, ensuring that we can continue to inspire and educate future generations about the wonders of science and innovation.
Join Us on This Electrifying Journey.
Regardless of size, every donation brings us closer to making Tesla Fest 2024 a reality. Together, we can honour Nikola Tesla's legacy and ignite the spirit of innovation in all who attend.
Be a part of something bigger. Please help us celebrate Nikola Tesla's life and legacy amid the splendour of Niagara Falls. Let's inspire the next generation of thinkers, dreamers, and innovators.
Thank you for your support!
Pokrenimo ZAJEDNO Duh Inovacije: Podržite Tesla Fest 2024!
Zamislite mesto gde se prošlost susreće sa budućnošću, gde sjaj jednog od najvećih izumitelja u istoriji inspiriše nove generacije da dosegnu svoje snove. To mesto postoji, i zove se Tesla Fest – jedinstveni festival posvećen životu i nasleđu brilijantnog Nikole Tesle.
Šta je Tesla Fest?
Tesla Fest nije samo festival; to je pokret, to je ideja. To je i godišnja proslava koja okuplja ljude iz svih sfera života kako bismo odali počast revolucionarnim dostignućima Nikole Tesle. Sa različitim tematskim aktivnostima i inicijativama raspoređenim tokom više dana i lokacija, Tesla Fest 2024. će biti naš najambiciozniji događaj do sada, održan u prelepom okruženju Nijagarinih vodopada.
Tesla Fest podstiče inkluzivnost ujedinjujući učesnike u njihovom poštovanju Teslinih doprinosa nauci i tehnologiji. Naš festival služi kao svetionik i inspiracija za buduće generacije, prikazujući neograničeni potencijal ljudske kreativnosti i duhovnosti u spoju sa naučnim istraživanjem.
Šta možete očekivati:
Naučna Konferencija (12. jul, Niagara Power Station): Povežite se sa vodećim naučnicima, inženjerima i inovatorima koji pomeraju granice mogućeg. Ova konferencija će biti centar znanja i inspiracije, gde učesnici mogu da se upoznaju sa najnovijim dostignućima u oblasti nauke i duhovnosti, kao i da spoznaju uticaj Tesle na modernu tehnologiju.
Dan Nikole Tesle (13. jul, Queen Victoria Park): Festivalska proslava Teslinog rođendana biće ispunjena interaktivnim izložbama, muzikom, performansima i aktivnostima za celu porodicu. Festival će se završiti stvaranjem "Teslinog Električnog Kruga," gde svaki učesnik i posetilac, kupovinom PINA, postaje deo veće, značajne celine posvećene Teslinom životu i radu.
Zašto Nam Treba Vaša Pomoć?
Organizovanje događaja ovog obima zahteva resurse i podršku naše zajednice. Donirajući našoj GoFundMe kampanji, pomoći ćete da pokrijemo troškove iznajmljivanja prostora i bine, honorara za učesnike, obrazovnih materijala i interaktivnih izložbi. Vaša donacija će direktno uticati na uspeh Tesla Festa 2024, i omogućiti nam da i dalje istrajemo u ovoj kulturno – edukativnoj misiji.
Pridružite Nam se u Teslinom Strujnom Kolu!
Bez obzira na veličinu, svaka donacija nas približava ostvarenju Tesla Festa 2024. Zajedno možemo odati počast nasleđu Nikole Tesle i pokrenuti duh inovacija u svima koji prisustvuju, posebno inspirišući mlade generacije koje novi svet stvaraju.
Budite deo nečeg većeg. Molimo vas da nam pomognete da proslavimo život i nasleđe Nikole Tesle u sjaju Nijagarinih vodopada. Onako kako mu dolikuje.
Hvala vam na podršci!

Tesla Fest
Niagara Falls, ON
Serbian school Nikola Tesla Inc.