Tesla Radiant Energy and Electricity Generator
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Hi, my name is Adrian and I am the lead researcher at AMInnovations. I am raising money to fund my research and development of a clean and renewable energy and electricity generator, based on the principles of Nicola Tesla. I have been researching renewable energy and electricity for over 20 years, have made many contributions to this field, and am committed to clean, life-supportive, and renewable energy and electricity environmental projects. My GoFundMe introductory YouTube video on Tesla Radiant Energy and Electricity shows some of these principles at work, during live experiments with Eric Dollard at the Energy Science and Technology Conference in the USA in 2019.
You can see and read all about my research and development in much greater detail at my website AMInnovations, or in my Youtube channel. All AMInnovations research is open-source and self-funded by myself, combined with your financial support and contributions. Self-funding and your donations afford me the freedom to explore, research, and innovate, without the financial pressure and control usually exerted through commercially motivated funding.
The world is facing a most dire and escalating crisis in our modern era, where the cost of fuel and electricity is rising at such a rate, that it could soon be too expensive for most of us to sensibly afford. The rise in our cost of living, food, and inflation, far out-strip the growth of our salaries. Over-industrialisation, greedy focus on excessive profits, and the growth of an unsustainable consumer age are bringing catastrophic changes to our environment and planet, with irreversible climate change already on our doorstep.
We all need energy in order to live, work, enjoy, and sustain our lives. Electricity could be a pure and clean form of energy which powers so much of our daily lives. Our demand for more electricity is ever increasing, as we attempt to reduce the impact of burning fossil fuels on the environment, and minimise the progression of global warming and climate change. The generation of clean and renewable electricity offers the opportunity to make an enormous positive transformation in the modern world, and help us to find a more sustainable and balanced future for our planet.
There are many ways of generating electricity to power our cars, warm and cool our homes, charge our phones and computers, and of course connect us all together through the internet. Only a smaller proportion of our total electricity requirements come from clean, renewable, and sustainable sources, such as solar, wind and hydro power, whilst the most is generated by unsustainable burning of coal, oil, gas, and nuclear fission reactors. There is however also the possibility of generating another form of electricity, a lighter and more pure form, with more refined and concentrated properties, and originally discovered and developed by the out-standing inventor Nikola Tesla in the early 20th century.
This more pure form of electricity Tesla called radiant energy, and he demonstrated and developed its remarkable properties in many different forms of invention. Much of this work has been lost and misunderstood since Tesla’s death in 1943, with only a small handful of experimenters and inventors, including myself, that have been able to make some progress in demonstrating and developing this new form of electricity. Radiant energy and the pure form of electricity it yields, if properly understood, harnessed, and utilised could provide almost all of our current electricity requirements. Conventional electricity would be generated from renewable sources, without the need for fossil fuels and nuclear fission, before being refined and processed to yield the cleaner, higher quality, and more concentrated form.
My vision and the purpose of my electricity research so far is to be able to eventually produce a portable electricity generator that takes as its input conventional electricity, and at its output provides this new form of radiant electricity. This portable unit would be available in our homes, work, and as individual installations, and at a cost much lower than the traditional consumer electricity supply. There would be no need to build new large power stations specifically for this form of electricity, it should be sustainable in using current renewable sources of clean conventional electricity.
Of course there is much research and development still to do to properly establish the principles and method of this new form of electricity, and then subsequently innovate and develop a product prototype, and then finally if all this is successful, to develop the portable radiant electricity generator unit. The following YouTube video shows in much more detail some of my experiments in Tesla Radiant Energy and Electricity, and shows that it is possible to generate this form of electricity in controlled experiments using specialised equipment and circuits, and according to Tesla’s original principles, designs, and implementations.
Key tasks and milestones in the research and development or this new electricity generator include:
1. Design and implementation of suitable apparatus to confirm the fundamental principles of this new form of radiant electricity.
2. Experiments using this apparatus to demonstrate the principles of radiant electricity, understand its properties and charactersitics.
3. Reporting and dissemination of the fundamental principles and experimental apparatus for validation in the field.
4. Refinement and optimisation of a suitable product prototype embodiment as a portable radiant electricity generator.
5. Testing and commercial validation, registration, and pre-manufacture design of a suitable consumer embodiment of the generator.
It is anticipated that steps 1 and 2 could be accomplished within the scope of this current project and funding, and it is anticipated this would take between 9-12 months, although this could be longer and require additional funding if either steps 1 or 2 prove to be more challenging than currently anticipated. It is difficult to put a timescale on all steps to complete the portable radiant electricity generator, as much research and development still need to be accomplished successfully, but it is clear the world needs this new technology as soon as humanly possible, and all best endeavours and resources are required to achieve this goal as quickly as possible.
In summary, I have researched this new form of electricity for over 20 years, and am ready to take the next step in developing more specific electrical circuits and devices to confirm the generation and properties of this new form of electricity. This GoFundMe project will provide me with financial resources for equipment, materials, and components to build the new experiments and devices, as well as afford me the time and living expenses to work on this project in a more focussed and sustained manner. Thank you for reading about my project, and please donate towards what could be the next step towards a truly renewable and sustainable source of electricity for future generations.
Adrian Marsh