Help me smile again
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Hi, my name is Lukas, and I am fundraising for my own set of new teeth and to smile at people again. Maybe it will help me find the Love of my life.
Where to start?
I am 28 years old and have been living in the UK for the past seven years. I was born and raised by a single mum (51) in the Czech Republic. I also have an older brother (29) and a younger sister (11). We grew up without a father. My real Dad is my mum's dad {grandad}, and my grandma. They always look after our mum and us. Mum got epilepsy when she was (17). our birth father left us when I was around six years old.
I was born with a few difficulties after my dad. Deaf on both sides, bone disease. My brother has intense asthma and problems with his legs.
My superhero grandad Jindrich, my best dad, found me a specialist. So we have done surgery, which made me discover a new world of noises and new sounds and friends. My ears are still so strong. Grandad is always here for the whole family!
Now I could hear again, but other problems started to show up. Bone disease can be destructive. I am lucky it's not that bad. My collarbones stopped growing at a certain age, rest of my body and bones grew as they should, so my shoulders are different. I cannot lift my arms properly or do things as others do. Invariably I wouldn't say I liked swimming pools when everyone stares at you and you feel so ugly or different from others. My grandad did everything he could to help me live everyday life and succeed, like my brother, friends and other kids. It was hard, but we grew up!
My sister was born in 2011, and I love her so much and would do anything for her. You can Imagine a single ill mum with three kids, and it wasn't easy for no one. We had to study, earn money and then look after our mum and baby sister. Mum cannot work and didn't work for the last 23 years; it's too dangerous.
Once I was old enough, I wanted to go outside the country to discover new things, earn more money, and learn a language. Finally! I am here in the UK, living the first two years of the poorest life I could ever imagine, moving from job to job, warehouse to warehouse, and then I found what I love to do. I like cooking. I am currently working for over five years in a Chinese restaurant. I have been working hard six days a week for the past four years to ensure I have enough money to pay my bills and my life, help pay my mum's bills in Czech, and support my little sister at school. I try to help her financially. My brother lives in the Czech Republic and is there for them whenever needed. I work abroad for us all. But now I need help too, and I cannot ask them. I cannot stop inflation, and I cannot stop working and supporting my family.
When we were kids, we used to go to the dentist every half year, but I always used to go more often than the others when we realised that my bone disease must be attached to my teeth, and I still remember. She (my dentist) said that once you reach 30 years old, you won't have any of your teeth.
Time flies!
So what happened? Almost two years ago, I struggled to live everyday life, and my teeth were constantly in pain, constant headaches, swollen face, and half of my mouth melted down within one year. It was so scary too! I had to act, but it costs so much money to visit your dentist these days and wasn't many of them who offered me any help. So my Grandad and I decided to go and see one of the excellent dental clinics (AJNA) in Ostrava city Czech Republic. Yes, he agreed, and I decided to have surgery to help me get rid of pain, ugly smile, and horrible smell. I was so scared. We made a plan for every half-year surgery. I work abroad in the UK, and the dentist is in Czech. So we started 2021 by removing the bottom part of all 16 teeth. Half a year later, we removed the top part of all 16 teeth. Between these half-year periods is a healing process. Another half a year later, I made another big step by placing four screw implants into my jaw. At the moment, I am wearing dentures and have to glue them every day, which is fine as long as I don't feel the pain I am fine. But my dream is a dream. It is hard to pay it off. I spent just over 8 thousand pounds already. In the next half a year, I will have to go back home again and put in another set of implants, this time will be six of them, then wait another half a year for the healing process again. After this, I can return home and finally choose the colour size and actual set of teeth I will have forever or at least 30-plus years, as promised. In the UK, this dental surgery and procedure can cost up to 32 thousand pounds. Czech is around 20 thousand pounds. Turkey is cheaper, but the teeth last only up to five years. That is the main reason why I am doing all this in Czech.
I am asking here today for quite a lot of money. But it would cover the following six implants, plus all finished works and the rest of the money would go to my sister's school future account or dentist visits! Please, I would be so happy and grateful if you made my dream come true. Maybe one day I can smile again and find a wife I can smile on every day. Thank you for reading my story. I want to say that I was honest and truthful. Thank you for any help, either for me or for any people or other. Thank you for such a good heart! And God bless you for helping each other!
Lukáš Moškoř