Pakeer USA: Emergency Relief for Flooding!
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Dear Pakeer Community – USA, in-laws and friends:
We trust you are all safe and well. As you all know, our people back home are currently facing unprecedented flooding on top of the ongoing insecurity. And while we understand that we are also facing unprecedented hardships posed by COVID-19 pandemic in the US and all around the world, we have decided to setup a gofundme fundraiser to raise emergency funds for our community in South Sudan. This was not an easy decision on our part because of the challenges that we are now facing, however, difficult times always require leaders to make difficult decisions to save lives. Therefore, we are asking you all to donate whatever little amount you can afford to help us rescue our people.
Thank you all in advance for your kind generosity!! Stay safe and healthy!
Kind regards,
Pakeer Community – USA Leadership
We trust you are all safe and well. As you all know, our people back home are currently facing unprecedented flooding on top of the ongoing insecurity. And while we understand that we are also facing unprecedented hardships posed by COVID-19 pandemic in the US and all around the world, we have decided to setup a gofundme fundraiser to raise emergency funds for our community in South Sudan. This was not an easy decision on our part because of the challenges that we are now facing, however, difficult times always require leaders to make difficult decisions to save lives. Therefore, we are asking you all to donate whatever little amount you can afford to help us rescue our people.
Thank you all in advance for your kind generosity!! Stay safe and healthy!
Kind regards,
Pakeer Community – USA Leadership
Atem Akech
Dallas, TX
Pakeer community Association