Legal/rent/Food fund
It’s very difficult to make ends meet without
child or spousal support after being a stay at home mom for the previous 9 years.
The children suffer the most.
Unfortunately the partner with the money
in a relationship can delay and manipulate
legal separation agreements in order to
achieve their goal of not providing for their families or more common causing financial destitution for the stay at home spouse.
Megan has been served an eviction notice.
Her $1650 rent is due today.
She is forbidden to move and stay with family out of town due to ongoing
custody and family court issues but will only be giving rent money if she legally gives up
her right to future spousal & child support
per a
letter from her former partner’s attorney dated 1.13.2020. How lawyers like this sleep at night trying to intimidate and mislead people I don’t know.
Please help if you can.