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Ecaterina`s Urgent Heart Operation

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Six years old Ekaterina is suffering from a congenital heart defect wich should urgently be treated, she should undergo a surgical procedure such as a complex and complicated operation at the German Heart Institute Berlin. 
 Ekaterina`s parents letter for all of you:
 We are Madan family Ana and Pavel, from Republic of  Moldova and we have an amazing baby girl Catiusa.  Unfortunately she was born with a very complicated heart defect- Tetrad of Fallot.

 She was born on July 29, 2009 and supported the firs surgery  when she was 3 months old and the second surgery at 1 year and 9 months of age. At the moment the defect was to be radically corrected, but the investigations made in Moldova have shown that the problem is much deeper. It was found that a primary importance vein that goes to the left lung is missing. Now the surgery is urgent and  doctors need to create that vein. Such surgeries in  Moldova have not been performed yet, so the risks are very, very high. Time goes against us already.
 Catiusa is a child eager for life,very cheerful, active and others tell she would be like a sun that warms her surroundings, but the cyanosis and dyspnea are so acute that she canntot play, danse and barely makes a few steps through the backyard of the house. She often comes to us and asks when will the surgery be performed, so that she could have a normal life, like the other children.
 Our solution is doing the surgical intervention outside the country in Germany which is very expansive and for our family basically an impossible task.
  But our sufferings do not end there. Now I am 35 weeks pregnant and unfortunately our unborn baby boy has the same patology like his sister. Unfortunately the situation is even more complicated and he will have to be operated at birth. Neither such surgeries are possible in our state.                 I have to give birth caesarean section also abroad and we have even less time to act and collect the money. 
 The amount we have to collect to save our both children is huge. Unfortunately our state cannot provide us any support. Therefore we need  help of everybody and ask very kindly all those who wand an can help us with so much as they can. Thank you so much for any help no matther how small it would be.
 Diagnosis: Catiusa Madan- MCC Tetralogy of Fallot.       Atresia of the left branch of the pulmonary artery. 
Baby boy: MCC Tetralogy of Fallot. Severe pulmonary artery hypoplasia, severe pilmonary stenosis, limitrophe with atresia, ventricular septal membranous defect.

Roumanian Translation

 Suntem familia Madan, mama- Ana,tata- Pavel din Republica Moldova, avem o minune de fetita Catiusa. Din pacate ea s-a nascut cu un viciu cardiac foarte complicat: Tetrada Fallot. S-a nascut in 2009 la 29 iulie,iar la 3 luni a suportat prima interventie chirurgicala si la 1 an si 9luni  a doua operatie. La moment trebuie sa aiba loc corectia radicala a viciului. Insa investigatiile facute in Moldova au dovedit, ca problema e mult mai profunda. S-a depistat ca lipseste o vena de prima importanta, care merge la plaminul sting. Acum este nevoie de urgenta de facut operatia si medicii trebuie sa creieze acea vena.  Operatii chirugicale de asa fel, in Moldova inca nu a avut loc, de aceea riscuri sunt foarte si foarte sporite. Medicii din Moldova predictioneaza riscul de moarte in timpul operatiei de 70%. Timpul merge déjà impotriva noastra.

 Catiusa eu un copil dornic de viata, foarte vesela, activa si cei din jur ii spun, ca ar fi ca un soare care incalzeste imprejurimea ei, dar ceanoza si dispneea e atit de acuta incit  ea nu poate nici sa se joace, danseze nici macar sa se plimbe mai mult de citiva pasi prin ograda casei. Deseori vine la noi si ne intreaba cind va fi operatia ca sa aiba o viata normala ca ceilalti copii.
Salvarea noastra este de ai face interventia peste hotarele tarii in Germania, Italia, ceea ce e foarte scump iar pentru familia noastra practic o sarcina de neindeplinit.
 Dar necazurile noastre nu se termina aici. Acum eu sunt insarcinata in 35 saptamini si din pacate baitelul meu nenascut are aceeasi patologia ca si sora lui. Din pacate situatia e si  mai complicata si va trebui operat exact la nastere. Si nici asa operatii nu sunt posibile la noi in stat . Eu trebuie sa fiu operata cezareana la fel peste hotare si mai putin timp avem pentru a actiona si a stringe banii necesari.
 Sumele, pe care trebuie sa le colectam noi pentru a ne salva ambii copii sunt colosale. Din pacate statul nostru nu vrea sau nu poate sa ne acorde sustinere.  De aceea suntem nevoiti sa cerem ajutorul tuturor  si Va rugam mult, cei care vor si pot sa ne ajute sa o faca cu atita cu  cit il lasa inima.
 Va multumim din suflet pentru orice ajutor cit de mic n-ar fi el .
 Diagnoza: Catiusa Madan- MCC Tetralogie Fallot. Atrezie ramurii stingi a arterii pulmonare. Stare dupa anastemoza intersistemica pe stinga( 2009, anastemoza intersistemica centrala 2011. ICCF II-III NYHA.
 Bebelusul: MCC Tetralogie Fallot. Hipoplazie severa artera pulmonara, stenoza severa pulmonara, limitrofa cu atrezie, defect membranos sept ventricular.

For a bank transfer, please find details below: 

MD47VI 000000223351123168  Euro
MD90VI 022331100000126  USD
Ana Madan
Pavel Madan

 For a bank transfer thru the Lilian Helps Children Association Geneve, please find details below:

Coordonatele Bancare in CHF

Compte Beneficiaire: 14-852657-9
Nom Beneficiaire: LHCA (Lilian Helps Cildren Association) 1202 Geneve
Numero IBAN: CH79 0900 0000 1485 2657 9

Coordonatele Bancare in EURO

Compte Beneficiaire: 91-815619-8
Nom Beneficiaire: LHCA (Lilian Helps Cildren Association) 1202 Geneve
Numero IBAN: CH63 0900 0000 9181 5619 8

PAYPAL: [email redacted]

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