Thank You Gifts for SSM Healthcare Workers
Thank you to everyone who donated! We are hoping to complete purchasing all remaining gift cards next week and will post an update on this page for everyone to see once all of the gift cards are delivered to SAH. GHC and APH.
Let's send our healthcare workers a big thank you during this time and let them know that their community is grateful for everything they are doing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each donation will go towards the purchase of a gift card from a local business and all of the gift cards will be donated to healthcare workers in our city.
1. Once you make a donation the last step will ask you for a comment. In that comment box you must name the local business you wish for us to purchase the gift card from. If you want to purchase from multiple businesses please note the amount for each business. Example: Three $50 Gift Cards: Giovanni's, Jeannette's, Ball Etc.
If you miss the comment step you can find a link to post a comment in your confirmation email from GoFundMe. It is best if you comment with the business so our local businesses see the support they are getting and feel the love! :)
2. I will then reach out to the business and coordinate an appropriate way to purchase the gift card while keeping social distancing practices.
3. I will collect all of the gift cards and deliver them to Sault Area Hospital (SAH), Algoma Public Health (APH) and Group Health Centre (GHC).
4. The staff at SAH, APH and GHC will then decide how to effectively distribute the gift cards within their teams. I will provide them with the following suggestions:
(a) Food related gift cards can be saved until the pandemic is over and the staff can order lunches and treats to their units/staff rooms at that time to enjoy together.
(b) Goods and services gift cards can be handed out by drawing names.
- I will not profit off of this in any way. In fact, out of the dollars raised we will need to pay 2.9% in transaction fees plus $0.30 per transaction back to GoFundMe. Adam and I will be topping up all donations to cover off these fees so that all the businesses will get the full amount you chose to donate. I am using GoFundMe so that the amount of dollars raised is transparent and you will be able to see that I purchased gift cards for the full value of the dollars raised.
- Businesses that do not respond to me making contact with them for buying a gift card within 10 business days will come off the list. At that point I will pick another business (at random) from the list of suggested businesses.
- You cannot donate a gift card you already have at home. While it is a kind gesture, this campaign is meant to generate new dollars for local businesses at a time when they are seeing little to no business.
- The value of the gift cards will be divided 60% for SAH, 20% for APH and 20% for GHC.
If you have any questions at all before making a donation please feel free to reach out!
Stay happy, stay healthy and stay home,
Marla Guzzo
- Practice Social Distancing to help flatten the curve.
- Encourage and educate others to Stay Home.
- If you know any returning travelers ensure they Self Isolate for 14 days.
- Donate directly to the Sault Area Hospital Foundation for the purchase of emergency supplies.
- Properly wash your hands and do not touch your face!
- Be kind :)