Thanksmas 2023
Tax deductible
Thanksmas was started back in 2010 as a way to get together around the holidays and give back to our community. Through the years, we have picked charities that resonate and are close to the hearts of our friends and family. This year we have chosen to support METAvivor, a charity supporting metastatic breast cancer. Last year, Matt's 31-year-old-cousin was diagnosed with Stage 3 and has been in a battle for her life. After doing research on who to support, METAvivor seemed like a very logical choice. Breast cancer fundraisers are everywhere, but most of the money raised goes toward breast cancer prevention and early detection efforts. Very little of it, only 2-3%, is dedicated toward research for Stage IV, metastatic breast cancer. METAvivor is the only organization that solely funds MBC research through a scientific peer review process. 100% of all donations go into MBC-specific research grants. METAvivor is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible.
We all know someone who's been impacted by breast cancer. PLEASE join us in making a difference, as any donation amount will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to us and we look forward to seeing you at Thanksmas!
Matt Luse
Ambler, PA
METAvivor Research and Support Inc.