That Feeling - Based on a Stephen King Story
tldr version:
1. Thank you. You make this possible...and I do this because I love it. It's part of who I am.
2. Stephen King granted me the rights to one of his short stories.
3. Where there's a PLANE there's a PLAN. And Coastal Independent Films means quality.
4. It cost money to make a quality movie of this caliber. Our goal is to be fully funded by Oct. 1.
5. Let me give you an experience! From name into credits to featured extra and everything in between. Scroll down for details.
6. We don't get any of it - it's used for renting pro-level equipment, hiring professionals, filming permits, feeding people during production - this is truly a collaboration with you.
7. Almost a year's worth of work is going into this project and we'll be documenting all of it for you. Join me. Are you in?
1. Ok, so...
First, thank you. Plain and simple. I'm constantly floored by the support you've given me since the beginning. I want this to be an experience for you! I want you to join me on this adventure!
So...why do this? That's easy; I love stories.
Reading, writing, creating, watching; I love to be taken into worlds far away, where every twist and turn of the narrative keeps me entwined, tangled in the feeling of what comes next or "this person is just like me" and I know that when I come out I will be changed by my experience.
The idea that I can share those same feelings with another human - to connect on a level that can only be described as telepathy (you're seeing the things deep in my mind as I project them into the story or onto the screen) - is something that defines my being. The connections that can be made through all mediums of story-telling are wondrous.
2. And...
Stephen King knows this. And he's willing to share it with everyone - including people like me and you.
He's had a little know program for decades that give student/independent filmmakers the opportunity to purchase the non-commercial rights to short stories that aren't under contract.
That's exactly what I did.
But first...
The story is from the New York Time's best selling short story collection Everything's Eventual (which includes the haunted hotel tale "1408" that was made into a massive movie).
I chose "That Feeling, You Can Only Say What It Is in French," which is described in the flap of the book as "deja vu at 16,000 feet."
3. Wait...what?
Yep. A plane. I'm happy to say that we've already worked it out! Where there's a PLANE, there's a PLAN.
The story is much deeper than that. It follows Caroline, on her honeymoon with her husband Will, as she deals with the transgressions of her past - and, ultimately, the consequences of her choices - neatly gift-wrapped in a deja vu bow.
Contractually, I have the rights for a 12-month window and the short film is to be no longer than 45. I aim to use as much of that runtime as possible to give you the experience you deserve.
Members of Coastal Independent Films have decided to help me with the film. We've been putting films online for FREE viewing for almost a year now.
There are many talented and capable people that are a part of the team. Go here and watch for yourselves!
What about interviews? We are legit. Seriously. (Click these).
We've made all styles and genres. I'm lucky that I'm part of this amazing film family!
4. Here it comes...
Yes, here's the pitch...
It takes money to make films. We all know this.
I (and other members of CIF) have mostly made them on our own dime for the better part of a year now.
This is a unique opportunity to make make a film adapted from a beloved story by a world-renowned author. We'd like to make this production as professional as possible.
5. How can this be an experience...
By offering things that are more than tangible and creating memories that will last a lifetime. Here's what we're offering (each level includes the level before:
Any donation - Name in the credits - See your name in lights!
$20 donation - Signed Movie Poster (includes shipping in the US)
$50 donation - Signed copy of the That Feeling shooting script (includes shipping in the US)
$100 donation - Post shoot Zoom meeting with available cast and crew (1-hour limit)
$150 donation - Prop/Wardrobe – (w/certificate of authenticity- while supplies last, includes shipping in the US)
$400 donation - Behind the scenes guided tour of a shooting location where you can shadow someone working on set (1-hour limit) –
$500 donation - Non-speaking extra in the film!
$1000 donation - Featured extra (non-speaking, in a medium or close up shot) - Limited to 5.
We want to offer you an experience more than stuff. We want to make this the best movie that we've ever made. And we want you to be there with us.
6. Here's how we do that...
Not me. Not you. Us. This is a collaboration.
Professional Equipment - The LARGEST expense.
Media Management
Green Screens
Misc. Equip.
All of this AND more to take our overall look to the next professional level. Much of the equipment can be found online and ships quickly.
Craft Services - Gotta feed 'em - Second LARGEST expense Most of these people will be volunteering time. Lots of time. Most filming days will be 12 hours or more. It's only right to take care of the people who are passionate about helping.
Locations - BEING SCOUTED - Filming permits cost money. Great locations require permits.
Cast - Not Hired - Paying semi-pros and pros will increase the production value of this film. This is a great place for funds.
BUT some stuff is free.
The SCRIPT - DONE! The current draft is 37 pages. Just polishing left.
Storyboarding - 40% DONE - I'm handling it. Here's a sneak peek.
7. Time is of the essence...
As I mentioned above, I have these rights for 12 months (11 by the time this goes live). That's not a long time. We've hit the ground running on this project.
The plan is to take you on this journey. You'll get behind the scenes clips (through social media - so follow us) as we work our way through pre-production, into production, then post-production, and finally release (but that's a story for another day).
The whole time, there will be behind the scenes being shot for a massive "Making of..." that we will release around the same time as the film.
Last thing...