The Artis: Keeping the Arts Alive
Donation protected
Myself, publisher and editor-in-chief of The Artis magazine, Ivy Reiss hosting the launch party on April 12, 2017 at the Moonshine Cafe in Oakville, ON.

Acclaimed author, poet, and playwright, and CEO of Bridging the Gap Productions, Artis contributing artist Zohra Zoberi, reads poetry at the Launch.

Our most special Guest of Honour, direct from Scotland, President of the International Robert Burns Foundation, Bobby Kane, enthralls the audience with his renditions of Rabbie Burns.

Feature Artist, internationally acclaimed painter and poet Eva Kolacz holds up her cover art on the special-edition inaugural issue at The Artis Launch Party on April 12th 2017.

Keep the Arts Alive in the 905!
My name is Ivy Reiss and I am the founding publisher and editor of The Artis magazine. My intention is to highlight the beauty that exudes from the imagination of artists dedicated to their craft; demonstrate the known psychological benefits derived from artistic expression; appeal to those who may not normally be drawn to the arts; and enrich the appreciation experienced by those who connect with and form a bond with the works.
My passion for writing has led me on a fantastic journey that has exposed me to skilled and dedicated, yet unknown artists in the 905; some of whom have used art for years as a healing medium, and thus produce brilliant works that have changed their life and continue to positively affect the lives of others.
The raw, relevant, and thought-provoking work of the raw talent within the previously hidden and diverse 905 suburbs of the Greater Toronto Area should not be overlooked, because it compliments the established artistic community—I am proud to say we at The Artis, have been a significant force in bringing these artists to light.
Artis' is Latin for art + skill and this is why the works published in The Artis are unique. The artists published in The Artis have proven to have a lifelong passion for their art plus an unshakable dedication, which has produced one result: quality.
The Artis unites the written word and visual art to illustrate that there is something for everyone in art - everyone can heal, enjoy, grow, and/or relate to art. Art is freedom of expression and it is a venue for mental well-being and builds emotion and intellectual bonds that transcend across all preconceived barriers of race, creed, gender, and orientation.
What started off as the desire to create an artistically pleasing magazine has changed to a deep desire to help truly gifted artist gain a foot hold in the arena and to show the world that art has the power to heal and the ability to bridge the gap between all people.
In The Artis magazine you will find a balanced and beautiful mix of poetry, prose, essays, opinion-editorials, original visual art, artist profile interviews, from both emerging and established Canadian artists.
Currently, in just over a year, The Artis has worked hard to gain distribution in six 905 libraries, two independent bookstores: “The Book Nook” and “A Different Drummer Books,” both in Burlington ON, and in August, we began distribution at Indigo Spirit (Chapters) in Oakville, ON.
We plan on branching out further between the next six months, Nov 2018 - April 2019, to gain distribution in all twenty-two of the 905 libraries, and are already working on gaining distribution with other Chapters/Indigo locations.

I have established this GoFundMe campaign in order to keep the momentum of our endeavor to help these local artists build their artistic platforms; increase our reach to the public, to bookstores, and libraries. This will ensure that our cultural voices will be heard.
The healing power of art is undeniable.
The Artis' "Art Rewired Spotlight Event" on Feb 01, 2018 in conjunction with the MindForward Brain Injury Services illustrated the scientific evidence behind the curative benefits of the brain’s very real ability to ‘rewire’ itself through art.
In support of this initiative we dedicated and launched the third issue of The Artis: Art Rewired from the Creative Hemisphere, which featured Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) survivors who have successfully rewired their brain through the power of art.
"The Art Rewired" event had nearly 200 hundred guests, artists, top experts in the fields of neuro-science and neuro-plasticity in the audience; including Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn, Mississauga Arts Council Executive Director Mike Douglas, and ABI survivor and Keynote Speaker Frank Veri, among many others (and media of course!) in the audience. It was a fabulous event--see some of the pics from the high-profile event below.
MindForward team members Ashley Budd (left) and Lisa Phillip-Borges (right) with top neuropychiatrist Dr. Seyone (centre), pictured in front of The Artis 3 Featurette Artist, Alex Nielson's artwork. Photo Mira Louis.

Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn (centre) enjoying the event with colleagues, Brad and Bob. Photo Mira Louis.

One of the 905's Group of Four, artist Carrie Hind (left) with her mum, stands in front of her spectacular art-piece, graphite pencil on paper. Photo Mira Louis.

Acclaimed author and poet laureate of Emery, Laurence Hutchman with fellow artist and wife, internationally acclaimed Eva Kolacz, in front of one of her acrylic masterpieces; both of them were readers at the Spotlight Event. Photo Mira Louis.

Watch Spotlight Event Keynote Speaker Frank Veri on The Artis with Ivy Reiss talk about over-coming traumatic brain injury; 'rewiring' his brain before it was a scientific term; becoming a motivational speaker; a published self-help author and keynote speaker. Frank tells us how anyone can succeed and accomplish their dreams.
Read "The Art Rewired Spotlight Event" Media Release for more on this historic event--and keep scrolling to see more pics and the rest of our campaign.

Three of The Artis magazine's Featured Group of Four, left to right, Carrie Hind (with one of her artpieces framed), Gary Woyotowich, and Artis 3 cover artist Abel Mekonnen (far right). Also pictured, ABI survivor, artist, and author, Anjula Evans. Photo Mira Louis.
The Group of Four's Roland Armitage, his artwork graces the double-page spread centre-fold spread in The Artis 3, with his daughter. Photo Mira Louis.

Left to right, clothing designer, Sue, Artis contributing artists Eva Kolacz and entertainer and author Kim Cayer, with emerging artist daughter Cheyanne. Find out more about Kim and her work on The Artis with Ivy Reiss. Photo Mira Louis.

Nearly 200 people fill up the beautiful ballroom at the Waterside Inn for the Art Rewired Spotlight Event. Photo Mira Louis.

In less than thirteen months and three issues, The Artis was honored with a nomination at the prestigious 24th annual MARTY Awards from the Mississauga Arts Council—this is akin to the Oscars of the art world—as a finalist in the "Creative Design—Emerging" category—such an accomplishment for a startup magazine is almost unheard of!

Stoked to be at the MARTY Award pre-party with fellow competitors in the "Creative Design--Emerging" category: myself with jewellery designer Carlos Herrera and fashion designer Maya Charbin (wearing her own design). Maya's hard work led her to be the winner on the award on May 10th! This was also my first outing, post broken leg, without a cast or a space-boot!

Hurricane Hazel McCallion gives the opening speech at the historic 24th annual MARTY Awards to nearly 700 people on May 10th 2018. Fun Fact: Hazel was a key force behind getting arts and culture started in Mississauga.

Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie gives a fabulous speech at the MARTY Awards and wears one of Maya Charbin's gorgeous designs.

In June 2018, I began a new internet television series, The Artis with Ivy Reiss, to help us continue to help bring people to the amazing art scene that exists in the Greater Toronto Area. I interview artists, hosts, authors, movers-and-shakers on compelling topics related to art and culture, such as Poetry & Prose event host and artist Sheila Tucker on The Cultural Appropriation of Art, award winning artist and publisher of StarBuzz Weekly Meena Chopra on The Pros & Cons of Publishing in the Digital Age or author Joyce Wayne on her latest historical fiction novel (and a Canadian first!) about real-life Soviet spy Freda Linton on Canadian soil: Last Night of the World.
Check out all eight of the videos we have so far here.
In conversation with 100,000 Poets for Change host Pat Connors on The Artis with Ivy Reiss, and his initiative to raise money for First Nations Caring and his upcoming poetry collection.

Watch Pat's interview here: 100,000 Poets for Change Host & Poet Pat Connors on The Artis with Ivy Reiss
At ThatChannel studio with Canadian Legendary Singer/Songwriter/Poet Max Layton and 89.5 CIUT FM Howl Radio Host Valentino Assenza.

Find out more on these two in the interviews here:
Max Layton talks about his childhood, Leonard Cohen, gives us an exclusive peak on his upcoming works (and how you can get a signed copy!) on The Artis with Ivy Reiss
Howl Radio Host & GTA Poet Valentino Assenza: The Cultural Changes in Art and Nurturing a Growing Art Scene
Our next two episodes of The Artis with Ivy Reiss will air Friday October 19, 2018: 1pm -2pm.
Tune in and watch us live and unedited at www.ThatChannel.com studio.
Art brings people together.
The above noted accomplishments are some of the more prominent achievements we have experienced, but it says lot about how hard my team and I have worked to get the 905’s only art and culture magazine off the ground.
However, as a startup magazine, capturing the minds and wallets of advertisers has not been an easy task; despite our dedication to the task and how noble the task is. In the end, the most important thing that matters to advertisers is substantial reach; our current 500 Print run is not yet in the thousands.
Also, there have been some physical setbacks that have taken a toll, at least temporarily, in my efforts to see this magazine become established. In February of 2018, I suffered a broken leg which came along with multiple complications. This down time set the magazine behind schedule for several months, nevertheless, my team and I have managed to pull together the fourth issue of The Artis and we’re ready to go to press; started the YouTube TV show; and secured distribution in Chapters (Mississauga).
After this release, we will go down to two (instead of four issues) a year, with our fifth issue is scheduled to be released for March 01, 2019 and Sept 01, 2019.
I and The Artis team humbly ask for your support with whatever amount you are able share to help keep the arts alive in the 905.
We have kept our donation goal low, just enough to ensure that we can cover costs.
Your contribution will go towards: the fourth issue print run, web hosting fees are covered, continued artist interviews on our YouTube channel, honorariums to our Feature & Featurette artists for the upcoming Artis 4 issue and well-deserved honorariums for The Artis magazine team.
Please visitThe Artis website to see what we have to offer, more about us, our team, event photos, and visual samples of past issues in the archives.
Your donation will be gratefully received and faithfully applied. The positive impact this magazine has had on the artists in the 905 in its short existence cannot be overstated.
To show my appreciation, I have compiled the following benefits for supporting The Artis magazine.
We at The Artis magazine are bringing the 905 to the GTA and beyond, because we know what the greater art scene is missing, and we need your support to help us do this.
What we will give you when you donate to helping us:
Business Donation Benefits:
$400 (Limited):
You will also enjoy a 4 x 5-inch advertising space in our 5th issue; email me directly for more details [email redacted] (please note ad space location is available on a first come first served basis). Donate early to secure your prime ad space location. We will also display your digital advertisement on The Artis website for 6 months. In addition, and with your permission, we will proudly display your name on our websites sponsors page.
*As a bonus for being an Artis business donor, you will receive our startup year VIP Artis package of all 4 issues of The Artis in print and digital format in full-colour; including the special black and white issue Artis 2 Desiring Nostalgia.*
Due to limited stock this offer is only available to the first 15 individuals.
$250 (Limited):
We will display your digital advertisement on The Artis website for one full year. In addition, and with your permission, we will proudly display your name on our websites sponsors page. You will also receive copies of third and fourth issues of The Artis.
Our Individual Artis Donor Benefits for you!
Receive The Artis magazine issue 3, and the upcoming issues 4 and 5. In addition, and with your permission, we will proudly display your name on our “I am proud to Sponsor the Arts” website page.
Receive The Artis magazine issue 3, and the upcoming issues 4. In addition, and with your permission, we will proudly display your name on our “I am proud to Sponsor the Arts” website page.
Receive The Artis magazine’s upcoming 4th and 5th issue. In addition, and with your permission, we will proudly display your name on our “I am proud to Sponsor the Arts” website page.
We will proudly display your name on our “Artis Wall of Fame" page on our website, which is exclusively for our sponsors.
Please remember every dollar counts. Whatever your donation is you will become a part of the Artis movement that is supporting and representing dedicated artists artists and helping them shine! We want to keep representing them going forward by presenting their work in this quality publication, and through your help, we can do this!
Please donate now and be part of a defining moment in the Art & Culture scene!
If you have any questions or simply wish to reach out, please email us at [email redacted]
Poet and visual artist Naomi Laufer (centre) with The Artis Editor-in-Chief Ivy Reiss (right) holds up her spread in The Artis 3 at the Art Rewired Spotlight Event on Feb 01, 2018. Photo Mira Louis.

Ivy Reiss
Oakville, ON