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The Babb family needs our help!

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Friends, family, and well wishes:

On Thursday, March 16 Beth was not feeling well and Bob took her into the ER. Little did they know that that day would be so devastating.

Beth was diagnosed with an aortic dissection with bowel compromise and needed immediate surgery. As soon as she went in for surgery, her aorta let go. This caused Beth to suffer from a stroke on her right side. Needless to say the family is shattered by these events.

The coming days will be tough for Beth and her family. Beth will be unable to work for quite some time and Bob is taking time off work to care for her at this time. Additionally, the medical bills will start piling up very quickly.

Please help Beth and Bob in any way that you can and please pray for them and their family. All donations are appreciated and will help them with the upcoming expenses and loss of income. This will also take some stress off of their plate if we can help from this regard.



  • Susan Spindler
    • $50
    • 8 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jenn Delan
Gorham, ME
Robert Babb

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