Help Battlebox build a gaming oasis in our city
Donation protected
Please watch this news link of our story... https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbs58.com%2Fnews%2Fbattlebox-game-store-and-lounge-brings-world-of-comics-and-games-to-urban-audiences%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR39yHaTX_ov6ZExNnR4FoRRkOTkNP9V7Mhq-gtrsZzlMqSMLqeYiyrPHvM&h=AT1V2rtZzicT0yhDkcLWzjLpJeYkm8p9cfu7jbA7pa_-EGOxB1NrSzLQ6mlgs34p144I7wGfA1Ery1FS02Z_-RgUr9sdBgOu8vyNwqw5ikiRI-a3NHIwg-c9Oyo7WBqiPTK-yTJuvpkIUfYOP8100Q
This project will be a major, much needed, upgrade to our small business, but more importantly, to our local rapidly expanding gaming community.
It will also become a positive asset to the future gamers, of the city of Milwaukee Wisconsin, and possibly the Midwest as a whole.
Our city desperately needs more safe controlled environments or safe places, where gamers, anime enthusiasts , comic fans, cosplayers, can come and socialize, amongst like minded individuals in a harmonious manner.
We want to create an oasis for nerds & blerds.
We have several massive renovation projects looming, and a few currently under way.
As soon as our income permits, we will begin tackling these larger projects... these are our four major priority projects listed below.
#1. We must first complete a full replacement of the entire flat roof (55'x 40') space on top of our 4800 sqft. warehouse.
estimated cost: 25$ to 35$ thousand dollars
#2. We must connect a water-main to the warehouse property, from the cities main water supply lines, so that there is running water inside the building.
estimated cost:10$ to 25$ thousand dollars
#3. We must revamp the entire hvac , heating, cooling, air filtering systems
estimated cost: 25$ to 35$ thousand dollars
#4. the construction of 4 rest room stalls two female, and two male, inside the warehouse.
estimated cost: 10$ to 25$ thousand dollars
The completion of this extension project, will insure that another safe haven now exists. The crafting of this positive space will mean everything to the Battlebox family and our beloved community of gamers, both local and abroad.
We sincerely thank you in advance to all those that were able to assist in helping this vision coming to pass, and a special heart filled thank you, to those who wanted to help, but were not able to, prayers and wishes count too.
Mr. Bryant Adams
This project will be a major, much needed, upgrade to our small business, but more importantly, to our local rapidly expanding gaming community.
It will also become a positive asset to the future gamers, of the city of Milwaukee Wisconsin, and possibly the Midwest as a whole.
Our city desperately needs more safe controlled environments or safe places, where gamers, anime enthusiasts , comic fans, cosplayers, can come and socialize, amongst like minded individuals in a harmonious manner.
We want to create an oasis for nerds & blerds.
We have several massive renovation projects looming, and a few currently under way.
As soon as our income permits, we will begin tackling these larger projects... these are our four major priority projects listed below.
#1. We must first complete a full replacement of the entire flat roof (55'x 40') space on top of our 4800 sqft. warehouse.
estimated cost: 25$ to 35$ thousand dollars
#2. We must connect a water-main to the warehouse property, from the cities main water supply lines, so that there is running water inside the building.
estimated cost:10$ to 25$ thousand dollars
#3. We must revamp the entire hvac , heating, cooling, air filtering systems
estimated cost: 25$ to 35$ thousand dollars
#4. the construction of 4 rest room stalls two female, and two male, inside the warehouse.
estimated cost: 10$ to 25$ thousand dollars
The completion of this extension project, will insure that another safe haven now exists. The crafting of this positive space will mean everything to the Battlebox family and our beloved community of gamers, both local and abroad.
We sincerely thank you in advance to all those that were able to assist in helping this vision coming to pass, and a special heart filled thank you, to those who wanted to help, but were not able to, prayers and wishes count too.
Mr. Bryant Adams
Bryant Adams
Milwaukee, WI