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The best daddy gone too soon

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On the evening of Friday, May 13th, our world was shattered when we lost Zack Brown in a tragic car accident.

Zack was the kindest soul - he was a devoted husband to Shianne; the most loving father to Paislee, Harper, and Rhett; and an all around great guy to everyone who he knew and even those he didn’t. Just before the tragic accident that took his life, Zack was donating plasma. He was doing so not only to help earn money to support his family, but also to help out those who rely on donor plasma. He had a heart for others and wanted only the best for everyone he encountered.

Zack worked hard every single day to ensure that his family had the best life he could possibly provide for them. He was the primary breadwinner while Shianne worked part time and focused on taking care of the kids. Because of his work ethic, they were able to purchase their family home only two short months ago. This was an absolute dream come true for them both.

On top of all of the emotional pain and stress that a death like Zack’s brings, it also brings financial struggle. We are trying to raise money for Shianne and their children to help with any costs that will incur and to help wherever needed. As a family, as his friends, and as a community, we want to ease any stress caused by the outstanding costs of the funeral and what comes afterwards. Unfortunately, we already know that the financial burden will be great.

I know we all wish we could make this pain go away and bring Zack back. Sadly that isn’t an option. Hopefully through this effort, we can help ease the burden felt by Shianne and their children. No amount is too small so please help with whatever you can. If you can’t help monetarily, we appreciate all of your prayers and well wishes. Thank you all so much. Make sure you love those around you a little harder and hug them a little longer - for Zack.


  • Kathleen Koenig
    • 100 $
    • 3 Jahre
  • Heidi Forest
    • 50 $
    • 3 Jahre
  • Nicole Cupp
    • 25 $
    • 3 Jahre
  • Shadoe Spieker
    • 50 $
    • 3 Jahre
  • Elizabeth Allsup
    • 250 $
    • 3 Jahre

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Megan Clark
Waukee, IA
Shianne Van Pelt Brown

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