The Blue Starlite drive-in Round Rock Fire Fund
Hi! I’m Josh the owner of the Blue. I feel conflicted doing a Go Fund Me in this time when there are so many other things that desperately need attention.
This is such a challenging time for so many people!
but the outpouring of support today on our social media and the dozens of suggestions that We do so made me decide to, but also to find a way to make it help others. Yes I know the drive-in has helped many many many people during the pandemic and being open in ATX and Round Rock has given so many people joy and relief with a bit of norm by getting out in a safe way.
That Knowledge alone has been something me and my crew have been so proud of and worth more than anything.
But last night our round rock location which consists of a trailer and car that together house our drive-in operation burnt down to the ground.
we don’t know the cause yet but we closed as we do every night, as we have for 10 years as we have on that particular site for 5 months the same way and without incident. And somehow about 2 hours after closing there was a fire. At 3am the round rock fire dept was called and they came and put it out and did their job well of protecting the area and putting out the blaze but the Blue Starlite was not able to be saved. It was a total loss.
all told we lost About 25 thousand dollars in 2 hours.
But we are resilient and never let anything stop us from bringing the Blue back from tough times so no matter what we will return. But yes, with your help we will return faster and stronger. Am I expecting to raise 20k, no of course not. But I wanted to put around the number we lost anyway. If we raise 1000 dollars we would be thrilled. That would cover replacing a generator of which we lost 3.
We just appreciate your call to support so we are doing this with appreciation for any support that is offered.
In exchange for this support that as I mentioned earlier is deserved just as much if not more in other places we will designate a certain number of nights and screens at our atx location this summer to fundraise for other important pressing causes. For every $700 raised we will Devote one screen showings sales to another cause. We will have you all vote for on our website in the coming weeks.
Because in the end if the Blue Starlite isn’t there for everyone’s needs, then why should you be there for ours.
thanks everyone, it was heartbreaking to loose 5 years of work (The trailer and RR set up has been used previously in other locations) in one night, but it was heartwarming to get such warmth from our community when they all heard. Thank you. Most truly! josh