James Branning & Family
The Branning family needs your help. On January 2, after still recovering from Covid-19, James collapsed and became unresponsive. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital and admitted to ICU where he was placed on a ventilator.
On January 4, James remained in critical condition and was airlifted to St Joseph’s Hospital in Tampa. It was immediately determined that James had experienced multiple strokes and developed a brain hemorrhage. James was taken to the OR where for the next six hours, his doctors operated on his brain to relieve swelling caused by the brain bleed. A tube was installed to allow the excess blood to drain out.
On January 9, James finally opened his eyes and was able to smile, and on the 12th, the drain tube was removed. CAT scans showed that the swelling in his brain was going down and the excess blood from the hemorrhagic stroke was being absorbed. On January 13, James was taken off of the ventilator and was able to breath completely, on his own, and on January 16, he was finally taken off of supplemental oxygen.
While James’s prognosis has dramatically improved, he still has a long way to go and may not be able to fully recover. James has lost his vision, and doctors will not know if he will regain his eyesight until more healing takes place. He will need intensive therapies including physical, speech, and occupational therapy. And while he may gain some mobility in his right leg, doctors think that his right arm is permanently paralyzed. He doesn’t fully understand what has happened. He is able to say a few words but is generally unable to communicate.
James’s situation has dramatically affected his and his family’s life physically, emotionally, and financially. At the time of the emergency, James was his family’s primary source of income. He had just started a new job with great benefits and good pay, and was looking forward to leaving 2020 behind.
We are praying and asking for hope and help. We want to help with the financial burden, both from the initial emergency and the long recovery that is coming. Whatever you can give to support this family will help.
Every dollar will go to supply to their needs in this season:
Helping Sabrina keep the bills paid (rent, car payment, insurance, utilities)
Provide food, fuel, and other necessities
Medical expenses
Therapy expenses
Long-term care
Loss of income due to James’s inability to work
Please continue to pray and ask God to supply every single one of their needs right now. Thank you so much for support and prayers for our loved ones!
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28