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The Citizenship of Keith Byrne

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Right now Keith Byrne sits in a detention facility in Scranton, PA. If you are a father, mother or if there is any child on this Earth you care deeply about, this story pertains to you.

Keith has been in America since 2007. Shortly after he arrived he met the love of his life, Keren. They're set to celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary on October 10th of this year. They have two beautiful children together: Leona who is six years old and Gabriel who is four. Keith also became a stepfather to Ezra, Karen's son from a previous relationship, who is thirteen. Keith and Keren just bought a home for their family with a pool in Oreland, PA. They just hosted their first ever party on the July 4th to celebrate all that they have accomplished as they've weathered some tough times in their journey together. Keith started his own painting company a few years back and has worked so hard through the years to make it grow. Keren decided she wanted to become a nurse, and in 2012 became an RN at Jefferson Hospital, where she cares for her community. Their family was living the American dream.

On July 10th, 2019, Keith left his house to go to work and serve his clients and was detained by ICE. He is set to be deported in the next two weeks. This was brought on because Keith has two marijuana charges for being in possession of a joint when he was in his early 20's while in Ireland. Keith is now 37. Keith readily admitted to this when applying for citizenship. He owned up to his mistake and has spent over a decade being an upstanding citizen. Keith has a perfect record while living in the USA.

In this great country we get a lot of things right. But there is nothing right with the deportation of Keith Byrne. He is a dedicated member of society, a tax paying entrepreneur, a loving father and stepfather of three children, a man of the household who cares deeply for his wife and a patriot of the United States of America. 

Simply enough: we got this one wrong.

The America we love is here to support life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This is intended for all of the brave and caring souls who are willing to sacrifice and put in the work to be a part of this. Keith Byrne exemplifies this.

There are two things that Keith, Keren, Ezra, Leona and Gabriel need from you:

1) Your donations will help to fund their fight to keep Keith here and keep their family together. Should they lose this fight, your donations will be the one thing that will keep this family together, as Keren will pack up her family's life here in the USA and move to Ireland.

2) Your voice and your actions for spreading the word and making sure that everyone knows about the deportation of Keith Byrne. If enough people know, we believe he can be saved and reunited with his family here in the USA.

I pray that in the darkest hour of Keith, Keren and their family that the power and light of the American spirit shines through.

Thank you.

Jeff Snader - Father of two daughters, United States Marine, and cousin of Keith, Keren, Ezra, Leona and Gabriel.


  • Amber Jones
    • $5
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jeffrey Snader
Oreland, PA
Keren Byrne

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