The Conner Twins
In the past 27 weeks our life has been an emotional rollercoaster. We wen't from finding out that we were expecting then finding out that we were expecting TWINS! We were definatly excited to see what this next chapter in our lives was going to look like.
16 weeks- We had to go to the ER because Kylie started having some bleeding. We wanted to make sure that everyone was alright. Kylie was diagnosed with Placenta Previa. This condition can cause bleeding with pregnant.
Almost 20 weeks- On December 9th the bleeding came back but was heavier then it had been before. We called the dr and they set up an appointment for us in a few days and had Kylie go on a bed rest while we waited for that appointment.
20 Week High risk ultrasound- We were excited cause normally that your 20 week ultrasound you get to hear that everything is looking great and get to find out the genders. We got to find out that we were having a girl but couldn't tell what Baby A was. We also found out that Baby A's water had already broke and had little to no ambiotic fluid in the sac. THe ambiotic fluid helps the babies lungs develop. WIth not having it there was a lower chance of the babies survival. We also found out that Baby B had low fluid but more then A. Kylie was then admited for 24 hr watch. We were released the next day but told how low the chances were for the babies survial and that Kylie would need to go on bed rest and once we made it to 23 weeks she would then be admitted to the hospital to stay till the babies came or 34 weeks when we would have a c-section.
22 weeks- Another high risk ultrasound. While we were hoping for better news none was given. We found out that Baby B sac was also broken but there was still some fluid in the sac because Baby A was blocking the way.
23 weeks December 30th- Kylie was admitted to the hospital.
December 31st- Kylie was having additional complications with bleed and had a blood clot that got her moved into the Labor and Delivery unit. After multiple medication and a blood transfusion things calmed down. Kylie would stay in labor and delivery under continus monitoring.
24 weeks 3 day January 10th- Around 4:30 in the afternoon Kylie started having lower abdominal pain. The nurse called the dr and Kylie had gone into labor. She was dialating and having contractions. More medicine was started, Antibiotics, Magnesium and 2 more bags for a blood transfusion.
By 7:15PM both John(Baby A) and Finley(Baby B) were born and imediatly moved to the NICU. They were both put on monitors and breathing support seeing that they both had low fluid for over a month.
1/11/2017 - Early morning- Being in your hospital room recovering from major surgery and hearing an anouncement over the hospital speakers "Code Blue neonatal room 3310 bed 1" It was John. You feel absolutely hopeless. Getting up to the NICU as fast as we could and finding out that he was not breathing and didn't have a heartbeat and more. There was at least 10 nurses in their room. Seeing them doing chest compressions and telling us that he was gone. 5:35AM- John had passed away. We were devisataed.
We had a funeral for John on 1/18.
Finley was our little fighter. Against what the doctors thought she was doing great for how little she was. Being able to be on a ventalator while being able to assist and take breaths on her own was amazing!
Day to day she would have her good and bad moments but overall doing great.
Day 9- We found out that Finley had gotten in infection. With her being so little and not having much of an immune system the doctors were concerned.
They started her on antibiotics and additional help for her breathing so her body could fight.
Day 10-11 we stayed at the hospital with her.
Day 12- She was doing better. Not great but her stats were higher. That night her body started giving up. The doctors increased everything and told us that we would just have to wait and see.
Day 13 1/23- Morning- We were sleeping in one of the parents rooms when the nurse came to the door to get us. Right after that we heard it again "Code Blue neonatal room 3308" I don't think we have ever moved so fast in our lives. When we got in her room it was the same scene. Nurses everywhere and working on Finley to save her. Around 5am she was gone.
We had a funeral for Finley on 1/27.
We have not shared our full story till now. We are asking for any help with the medical bills and funeral expences for our 2 beautiful angels.
Kylie and Sheenan