The Drama Workshop: Accessible Restroom Project
Tax deductible
The Drama Workshop is a non-profit community theatre company that has produced award-winning theatre on the west side of Cincinnati since 1954.
Our home is the Glenmore Playhouse, a historic bowling alley that we converted into a performance space eight years ago, using an all-volunteer workforce.
Having suspended live theatre due to the pandemic, the team at The Drama Workshop is busy making our Glenmore Playhouse the best it can be!
We are now ready to take on the largest project since we opened here. We need to finally upgrade our restrooms to be completely ADA COMPLIANT. We have patrons with mobility issues and our restrooms are ... let's just say... lacking.
Our voting membership has approved the project, now we need your help!
It's a huge project and most of it will be completed with our volunteers, but the commercial plumbing work and materials we need to purchase are not cheap.
Please consider a donation to help out!
* Every personal donation of any amount will be DOUBLED! Thanks to a generous anonymous donor, the first $10,000 in personal donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar!
* All donations of $100 or more will get a personalized tile that will be on display in the redesigned lobby. Everyone will know that you are a Lobby Hero!
Thank you for your attention and supporting community theatre and the patrons who love it.
Learn More about The Drama Workshop
The Drama Workshop
3716 Glenmore Way
Cheviot, OH 45211
The Drama Workshop is a non-profit community theatre company that has produced award-winning theatre on the west side of Cincinnati since 1954.
Our home is the Glenmore Playhouse, a historic bowling alley that we converted into a performance space eight years ago, using an all-volunteer workforce.
Having suspended live theatre due to the pandemic, the team at The Drama Workshop is busy making our Glenmore Playhouse the best it can be!
We are now ready to take on the largest project since we opened here. We need to finally upgrade our restrooms to be completely ADA COMPLIANT. We have patrons with mobility issues and our restrooms are ... let's just say... lacking.
Our voting membership has approved the project, now we need your help!
It's a huge project and most of it will be completed with our volunteers, but the commercial plumbing work and materials we need to purchase are not cheap.
Please consider a donation to help out!
* Every personal donation of any amount will be DOUBLED! Thanks to a generous anonymous donor, the first $10,000 in personal donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar!
* All donations of $100 or more will get a personalized tile that will be on display in the redesigned lobby. Everyone will know that you are a Lobby Hero!
Thank you for your attention and supporting community theatre and the patrons who love it.
Learn More about The Drama Workshop
The Drama Workshop
3716 Glenmore Way
Cheviot, OH 45211
TDW TheDramaWorkshop
Cincinnati, OH
The Drama Workshop