The Falling Through The Cracks Society
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Lindsay Wincherauk, I'm raising money for . . .
Welcome to Falling Through The Cracks
We must change the dialogue.
We must change how we speak of each other.
We must help those amongst us who are falling through the cracks.
I have fallen through the cracks.
At the start of the pandemic, my lengthy career was taken from me when my company saw an opportunity to go younger and cheaper.
I was just about to turn 60.
My family was sent to age purgatory.
Too young (sure) to retire.
Too old to start over.
Financial turmoil has ensued.
Living has become a daily struggle.
The rich keep trying to sell us the BS that everything they have, they’ve worked hard to obtain.
They divide us, look over there, that suffering person on the street, they did it to themselves—if only they pulled up their bootstraps, they could have what I have.
Some barely surviving need to believe they are better than those suffering on the streets. “Look at that lazy bleeper; I was never given anything; I work hard. If we give them handouts, they’ll use it on drugs.” Believing suffering on the streets in the throes of addiction is living.
They don’t seem to understand the bootstraps have frayed, and those suffering have nothing to grasp onto.
“They’re lazy. They’ll take advantage of the system.”
Take a close look; the person you are judging may be on drugs, but they are broken, and nobody wants to be hunched over hallucinating things on the ground that might give a moment of respite from the suffering.
Come on, us humans, we are better than that — we haven’t all been dealt the same cards.
I identify more with the people on the street than those in the penthouse.
I’m now identifying more with the people on the street than my friends who judge them.
What’s this all about?
Every month, my family teeters perilously close to homelessness. I bleeping try every day.
But you know what? I’m now 63, and I don’t know what to do.
So, what am I doing?
Trying, writing, creating, and understanding that some of us need a hand.
The Falling Through the Cracks Foundation is being formed to eventually help those aging (50+) who are struggling to survive and at the risk of losing every shred of dignity by helping those in need without judging or screaming at them, “Get a job.”
A 60-year-old who loses his career is light years away from someone under 40 who loses their career.
Using me as an example, I’m searching for gainful employment, but my reality is the last time I searched for work, the internet didn’t exist.
So, I may be crazy, but I want to raise money (a lot of money) and make a difference in the lives of those among us who are suffering and not ready to call it a day.
To bridge the gap between ‘have not’ and survival.
Judgement free.
The Falling Through the Cracks Foundation understands that if you are 50+ and in purgatory if you have a pint or two a day for social interaction and companionship, mental health is necessary.
THE FOUNDATION understands you may no longer have bootstraps to pull up.
Please Donate
Because you never know when you, too, might fall through the cracks.
We will hold all funds raised in trust until the monies raised reach a certain level — and then the FALLING THROUGH THE CRACKS FOUNDATION will allocate funds to those in need, judgment-free.
I want to use my family’s suffering to MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
If that makes me crazy, so be it.
Visit for details and updates.
Lindsay Wincherauk
Vancouver, BC