The family of Ellie Hernandez
Donation protected
Eleazar "Ellie" Hernandez was the big sister of my high school sweetheart, Llane Hernandez. Over the weekend, we tragically lost this beautiful soul. She was 35. Ellie had been a part of my life for nearly 15 years, and ever since I met her I knew how big of a heart she had. Ellie was a caretaker of all who came into her life, but especially to her mother whom she loved deeply. Ellie leaves behind her two sisters, Llane and Lucia, her mother and father, Roberta and Sebastian, and her two nephews all of whom she loved fiercly. She also leaves behind her boyfriend, Raul Garcia, who was the love of her life. She worked at River School (Bright Horizons preschool) in Jersey City, New Jersey where she made many great friendships. I was with Ellie the day she got the job and I will never forget how proud she was of herself. Everyone who knew Ellie is going to miss her greatly. We love you Ellie, you were the best big sis anyone could ask for.
At this time, I am asking for help with Ellie's funeral arrangements. As everyone knows, they are not cheap and the family could definitely use the support right now. Any amount is appreciated, small or large. I also ask all of you to think of Ellie if you knew her, or a family member you love if you didn't. Thank you.
Eleazar "Ellie" Hernández era una hija, hermana, tía, sobrina y amiga cariñosa, cariñosa y trabajadora. Llegó a este país a la edad de 3 años con sus padres Roberta Placido y Sebastian Hernández. Creció aparte de sus hermanas Lucy Hernández y Llane Hernández. Desafortunadamente, el 7 de junio de 2023 sufrió un derrame cerebral que provocó una hemorragia cerebral y, finalmente, falleció. Ellie fue la cuidadora de todos los que entraron en su vida, pero especialmente de su madre, a la que amaba profundamente. Trabajó en el preescolar Bright Horizon en Jersey City. Todos los que tuvieron el honor de conocerla sabían que era una persona feliz. Siempre con una sonrisa y un espíritu positivo. Ella amaba ferozmente a sus sobrinos y dedicaba todo su tiempo a su familia.
En este momento estamos pidiendo ayuda con los preparativos del funeral. Sus padres desean traerla de vuelta a su país de origen, el llamacingo Acatlán Puebla, México. Por favor, ayúdanos a traerla de vuelta a casa. El fondo se destina a sus gastos funerarios y a que su cuerpo sea transportado a México, donde descansará. Gracias por el apoyo y la contribución a nuestra familia en este momento difícil.
Jordan Hernandez
Bayonne, NJ