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The Fatima Khalil Fund!

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Fatima Khalil is my bright, beautiful and happy sister who has down syndrome and has been hospitalized for almost 4 months now. After our father passed away in September last year, 2 months later Fatima had pain in her stomach and was advised by the medical staff to do a scope for further examination. During the process of the scope, Fatima’s heart stopped which resulted in the lack of oxygen to her body and brain for 6 full minutes. Through patience and prayers she is stable and with the hard work of the medical staff in London, we have high hopes and expectations of her healing - Fatima may even be released from the hospital very soon! In order for her to maintain this positive state and become even healthier a lot of care is needed. Our home now requires some renovations, 24-hour supervision from medical staff, as well as a hospital bed and other medical equipment necessary to keep her at her best!

I ask for your prayers first and foremost as any financial help provided will be greatly appreciated by our family and friends! The funds will be used to pay for her essentials and are needed as soon as she can be released from the hospital. We ask for any assistance since times are tough. Fatima is extremely missed at school and within our community. This would mean a lot to me, my family and of course to Fatima. Thank You and God bless.


  • Rose Ali
    • $15
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Akiel Khalil
Windsor, ON
Omed Korkmaz

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