The fight well Dunn - kicking leukemia’s butt
I had been feeling a little run down and decided to see my doctor for a check-up. I assumed that I would hear that I needed to be eating better, exercising and resting better - you know, the typical advice you get from your doctor. Instead, I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. This came as a complete shock to our family- all at once I went from being a tired working mom to being a cancer patient.
To say that we that we felt scared, confused, and totally unprepared for the seriousness of our new reality is putting it mildly. We are learning to deal with this diagnosis, and are getting better at taking things one step at a time. That, and the buoying support of so many friends and loved ones, is helping tremendously.
While I’m confident that I’ll make a full recovery, it seems it won’t be a fast recovery. I’m looking at needing multiple rounds of chemotherapy, the prospect of a bone marrow transplant, and multiple extended stays in the hospital away from my family. In addition to the emotional toll this has taken - and will take, we face a very real financial burden as well. Bryan and I have worked hard to create a strong and stable life for our family, and we are recognizing that we are going to need all the help we can get in order to get through this.
Thank you for considering supporting our family, and my fight well Dunn.