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The Fire Journal Project

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Silver (on right): Hi my name is Silver and I'm 9 years old. I lost my home in San Francisco to a fire last September . I want to start The Fire Journal Project for kids who lost their homes in the Sonoma fire because writing in my journal really helped me get through my own fire.

Evie (on left): I'm Evie (Silver's sister) and I’m 6 years old and I lost my house to a fire too. I feel like we need to help the people in Sonoma because when I lost my house in a fire it made me very sad. I started drawing and making lists of what I lost and it helped me a lot. I still have them in my journal and they help me a lot to remember the things I had.

Silver: The Journal Project is something my sister and my mom and I started to give journals to kids in as many schools as we can in Sonoma near the fires who were affected by them.

Usually when you write something in a journal it feels good just to write it like you're saying it to somebody, because you’re ready to get it out, but you’re not exactly telling anyone. It’s like telling somebody, but you're not actually telling because you may want to keep it private. All of us lost our home in a fire and when we all wrote in our journals after the fire it really helped us, so we want to give out as many journals as we can so that we can help other kids too.

Mom: We are raising money to give journals to whole classrooms of kids in Sonoma, not just to the kids who lost their homes, because all kids in the region have been affected by this tragedy and everyone can benefit from journaling about what happened. There's lots of research supporting the idea that writing and drawing about traumatic events can significantly reduce the long-term negative impacts of childhood trauma. We are partnering with several Sonoma elementary and middle schools to distribute these journals to their students, and will deliver the journals to the schools by early February, 2018.

Please help us meet our $10,000 goal which will pay for at least 3600 journals to be given to elementary and middle school students in Sonoma. Thank you so much for your generosity and for helping these kids as they heal.


  • Lil Kim
    • 25 $
    • 7 Jahre


Samantha Grant
San Francisco, CA

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