The Flash: Test Run
Donation protected
My name is Ben David Feldman and I'm the writer of The Flash: Test Run. I'm primarily a NYC based actor. Although acting got me into the entertainment industry, I've always had a passion for writing. The Flash has always fascinated me ever since seeing Grant Gustin first appear as Barry Allen in 2013. Since then, I've read numerous Flash comics and watched the CW show since the beginning, falling even more in love with the character.
The Flash: Test Run tells the story of a race gone wrong between Barry Allen, aka The Flash, and his friends Meena Dhawan and August Heart. My goal is to portray these characters in a new and exciting way while still having a sense of familiarity for comic book fans.
The Flash: Test Run will be the prologue to a story based on the Lightning Strikes Twice storyline or the Godspeed Arc. Even though that story is our main inspiration, we have a lot of new additions and changes that we are very excited about (for comic fans, Godspeed might not be who you expect).
The main purpose of The Flash: Test Run is to introduce the audience to our three leads; Barry, Meena, and August.
We have previously raised over $1800 with our Indiegogo Campaign. This is almost 40% of our budget.
With an overall budget of $4800, this is how we are planning to use the donations:
Cast & Crew: $2585 (54%)
Costumes: $710 (15%)
Prop Rentals: $192 (4%)
Post-Production: $1000 (21%)
Gofundme & Indiegogo % Share: $280 (6%)
As writer, producer, and one of the actors in this project, I will receive no compensation for this project in any way, shape or form. All the money we raise will go to the other members of the production and the production as a whole.
I realize not everyone can donate but here are some other ways you can be a huge help:
Please share our posts and this campaign
Follow us on Instagram @flashfanfilm
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And for those who can donate, check out our incentives
Benjamin Feldman
New York, NY