The Fund for Ukraine Horses - Phase 5
Tax deductible
Owners with horses trapped in Ukraine are in crisis. Finding sparse feed in war zones, comforting beloved horses during deadly raids, and trying to evacuate between attacks are almost unimaginable tasks, but they happen many times a day in Ukraine.
Having money in hand for urgent needs can make the difference between life and death. We work directly with qualified owners, providing funds for feed and supplies for horses most at risk during this horrific war.
Fleet of Angels has provided emergency aid for over 1050 horses and donkeys in Ukraine - contributing over $150,000.00 in emergency hay, critical supplies, and evacuation fuel so far, but urgent requests for help continue to pour in. Most applicants do qualify for emergency aid for their equines. We must raise more to do more, and we need your help now. Please.
FOA is a trusted, award-winning 501(c)3 US-based nonprofit that helps equines in crisis after natural disasters and other emergencies.
About this charity
FLEET OF ANGELS provides emergency services for thousands of horses in crisis annually through grants, transportation, and more in response to natural disasters and other dire situations. The emergency hay, supplies, and other essential needs we supply make it possible for horses to stay with their caregivers through difficult times rather than falling into potentially dangerous or deadly hands.
FoA is a US-based, record-setting, nonprofit service organization.
Teamwork works!
Fleet of Angels, Inc