Raising money- in support of -Muz's hospital stay
Donation protected
My name is Debbie
I am funding to raise awareness for a mentor, Mantra teacher and dear friend of mine Muz Murray who finds himself in Faro hospital Portugal in the hands of the medical fraternity who are doing their best to find out what is going on with Muz's health.
More about Muz
He has currently been receiving antibiotics, blood tests and x-rays for pneumonia.
This isn't the way he would usually be dealing with any ill health.
Normally homeopathically and naturopathically would be Muz's way.
After a friend of Muz's had been messaging and phone calling for a few days with no response, thank goodness they drove to Muz's home, on Sunday 14th Jan 2024 which is down a narrow windy track not so easy to access where Muz lives on his own in Portugal.
It soon became evident that Muz required medical care so friends made the decision as Muz was in no fit state to stay home without some tests as he was already severally dehydrated and hadn't been able to keep food down for some days and if you know Muz he has no body mass to lose.
So of course, with Muz's consent friends drove him as an ambulance would not be able to access the road muz lives in.
So now Muz finds himself in the care of Gambelas hospital
which is private, it was quite an ordeal taking most of the day to sign in all the necessary information required to be admitted.
The stay check-in was only intended for three days and now as I write this, his hospital stay time has tripled the result being Muz's funds have been impacted on as an 80 plus year old man living on his savings.
The antibiotic treatment, further tests and prolonged stay have become another strain which I feel Muz doesn't need right now
Then there will be ongoing daily costs for his return home for care at least 2 hours a day.
Making food, cleaning, making fires, shopping and general care.
Now amazing close friends are rallying round to give their support yet some daily care will be required and will cost money £20 per hour x daily until Muz gains his strength.
Muz lives with satisfying his immediate needs one might say he has spent his money very carefully.
He values best quality local market foods. Also the health food shops.
He enjoys fresh mainly plant base food and fruit tea leaves, fresh ginger and honey.
Muz engages online occasionally to share his message of Adviate Vedanta and still keeps us on our toes with sharing his wisdom, love & knowledge of Mantra.
When he isn't writing his Autobiography ♡
Which we look forward to reading.
In Publishing past books muz has written it has always financially cost Muz greatly which is another story.
Right now I bring the focus back to this go fund page for muz"s to assist his life now.
If Muz has touched your life in some way then you may feel to reach out to help make this stage of his life more comfortable with practical home care for our dear Muz who finds himself looking for some well deserved daily support right now.
Thankyou Debbie om
( I've been a student of muz's
I've hosted workshops for him at my home when Muz was teaching mantra in the UK some years ago.
In more recent years a small group as friends have joined Muz yearly in Portugal.
Reaching out in support of our dear Muz. He needs us right now.
Debbie Botterill