Blackburn Youth Zone - The Great Big Iftar
During Ramadan, Muslims have the opportunity to reflect and focus on their faith. However, with lockdown measures remaining in place until at least May 11, the end of Ramadan's daily fasting, still cannot take place as it has done in recent years with mass gatherings. During these difficult times, it is more important now than ever to connect with people within our communities.
This Ramadan, Blackburn Youth Zone has invited the community to come together on the 6th May to celebrate The Big Iftar ‘Virtually’. Iftar is the meal served at the end of a day of fasting during the month of Ramadan.
On the 6th May Blackburn Youth Zone will be giving out 500 food parcels out to young people, families, community group and local businesses to bring everyone together on zoom.
With support of local partners (inspiring unity, strength and friendship) One Voice, IMO, Youth Action; 500 families from across the borough will come together from a multitude of faith groups to celebrate Ramadan.
There will be music, speeches, readings from the Quran and much more, all leading to the traditional sharing of the Iftar meal. The Big Iftar is a great celebration for people of all faiths, and none, to show their support to our Muslim neighbours. As well as an opportunity to gain an insight into Islam and religious practices that may not have been as accessible before.
Please donate to support BYZ in purchasing ingredients for the food parcels.
This Ramadan, Blackburn Youth Zone has invited the community to come together on the 6th May to celebrate The Big Iftar ‘Virtually’. Iftar is the meal served at the end of a day of fasting during the month of Ramadan.
On the 6th May Blackburn Youth Zone will be giving out 500 food parcels out to young people, families, community group and local businesses to bring everyone together on zoom.
With support of local partners (inspiring unity, strength and friendship) One Voice, IMO, Youth Action; 500 families from across the borough will come together from a multitude of faith groups to celebrate Ramadan.
There will be music, speeches, readings from the Quran and much more, all leading to the traditional sharing of the Iftar meal. The Big Iftar is a great celebration for people of all faiths, and none, to show their support to our Muslim neighbours. As well as an opportunity to gain an insight into Islam and religious practices that may not have been as accessible before.
Please donate to support BYZ in purchasing ingredients for the food parcels.
Blackburn Youth Zone