Help support those who make our delicious food!
Dear Faithful Supporters,
Hudson Clearwater, like most restaurants in New York City, has been hit hard by the Covid -19 pandemic which caused us to temporarily close our doors.
The strong family we have built over ten years is now reaching out to you, our supportive community, to raise funds for our most financially vulnerable individuals, our Kitchen Team.
We ask you to open your heart and support those most in need at a time when solidarity with one another is the key for our collective well being. As helpless as we all feel right now, there are real opportunities to assist those in our immediate community where even the smallest donations will have a huge impact.
Our Kitchen Team is the backbone of our restaurant. Like a family, we must take care of one another, and to do so, we need your help to offset their lost income. 100% of the proceeds raised will be donated directly to our Kitchen Team. Please consider a donation to help our family. Every single dollar counts.
Here's some of the Team: