The Heartbreaker: The Story of Melvis
Donation protected
THE HEARTBREAKER is the story of an ordinary man who lived out his passion, every day of his life. With your help, the story of one of Hong Kong’s most loved characters, who brought joy to many, will make it to the screen.

For the past 30 YEARS, Melvis had been SWIVELLING HIS HIPS in Hong Kong’s nightspots, where he plays for tips dressed as his HERO, Elvis Presley. AGE IS NO BARRIER to Melvis - he still performs seven nights a week - always there to BRING A SMILE, pose for photographs and WRANGLE A TUNE. However, there’s MORE TO MELVIS THAN MEETS THE EYE. His LOVE OF ELVIS has cost him friends, jobs, money and relationships. His only friend is HIS GUITAR and like many TRUE PERFORMERS, the loneliness of his daily life is only broken when he STEPS INTO CHARACTER and walks out into his SKYSCRAPER FILLED, NEON-LIT STAGE for another WANDERING PERFORMANCE.
在過去的30年, Melvis(主名郭琳生)熱衷於模仿自己的頭號偶像 — 貓王皮禮士利 Elvis Presley),並穿梭香港酒吧演出。 年齡對Melvis來說顯然不是一個障礙,他依舊一星期七晚外出扮貓王、唱貓王歌。他臉上總是帶著微笑,偶爾跟客人擺姿勢拍照,或即興哼歌。 可是,除了模仿貓王,Melvis 的人生故事其實充滿甜酸苦辣 。 他對貓王的迷戀令他失去朋友、工作、金錢和感情關系。 他唯一朋友是他的結他。與許多真正的表演者一樣,他只有在踏上紅紅綠綠的舞台,渾身是勁投入另一個角色時才可打破他日常生活的寂寞。
Onstage or on the streets of Hong Kong, Melvis PUMPS OUT his unique versions of Blue Suede Shoes, Jailhouse Rock and Hound Dog. Gone is the QUIETLY SPOKEN, SHY MAN in conversation - he finds a NEW LEASE OF LIFE when he performs. It’s no wonder he wants to keep on playing “THE KING”.
無論在舞台上或在街上,Melvis 以獨待風格盡情地演唱貓王經典金曲 《Blue Suede Shoes》, 《Jailhouse Rock》 和《Hound Dog》。只要他的咪高峰響著,那個沉默寡言的害羞男士頓然搖身一變成為另一個人,難怪他想繼續表演《THE KING》

We have approximately 8 hours of never-before-seen footage of Melvis including; a sit down interview, performing on the streets of Lan Kwai Fong, Wan Chai and Kowloon and onstage and back stage at two of his final concerts.
我們有大約8小時從未曝光的 Melvis錄像,內容包括:他的訪問 、他在蘭桂坊,灣仔和九龍的街上表演,以及他最後兩場音樂會台上和後台的花絮。
The events in Hong Kong and the Covid pandemic in 2020 postponed our filming plans with Melvis. It also meant that our interviews with him were his last ever recorded before his untimely death, making our footage far more poignant than ever before. This campaign will allow us to finish the film as a tribute to this icon of Hong Kong — bringing the legacy of Melvis to the world.
因為香港近來的社會活動和肺炎疫情,我們與Melvis的拍攝計劃被延遲了。 奈何,這也意味著我們跟他的訪問是他離開這個世界前最後一次受訪,不幸的事令鏡頭加添淒美。 這次眾籌將協助我們完成這部電影製作,以鏡頭向香港這個不平凡的平民偶像致敬,將Melvis的傳奇人生故事推向世界。
We have had already protracted discussions with several broadcast platforms who have reacted positively to the story. We are now focused on completing the film so it can be made available to audiences worldwide. If we are successful in reaching ourgoal, we aim to finish the film by March 2022.
我們已跟數個廣播平台商議公開播放此電影,有幸他們對這個故事反應積極 。 目前我們正專注完成這部電影製作,好讓世界不同地方的觀眾也可以收看。 如果這次眾籌成功,我們將會在2022年3月之前完成電影製作,讓更多人認識 Melvis的可貴故事。

Our team consists of experienced filmmakers from London and Hong Kong:
Producer (製片人): Jonathan Duncan (UK)
Co-producer (聯合製片人): Richie Fowler 方禮志 (HK)
DOP (攝影師): Alix Rousell (HK)
Target: HKD 1,140,000 / Rounded up to GBP 115,000
目標:HK$ 1,140,000港幣/ 大約 £115,000英鎊
We will use the funds to pay for the following:
Production costs (filming additional interviews and footage in Hong Kong)
Post-production costs (editing, archival footage licensing, music licences)
後期製外費用 (剪片、檔案影片和音樂版權)
Legal and Insurance costs
Festivals and Distribution costs
Any contribution you can make, however large or small, will help us meet our goal and finish our film. Thank you!
多多益善,少少無拘。有賴你寶貴的支持,這套有意義的電影才能成真。 謝謝!

“It’s not how much you have that makes people look up to you, it’s who you are.”
Elvis Presley
Fundraising team (4)
Jonathan Duncan
Richie Fowler
Team member
Alix Roussel
Team member
Andy Shea
Team member