The Hill Prom Fund
We are proud to present our prom venue for our 2021 prom that will be hosted on May 16th. However, we need to raise enough money to purchase the venue due to the school not being able to sponsor us. In order to cover the cost, we would need to sell 100 $55 tickets quickly, or raise around $5,000. We would still need to raise even more to cover expenses such as a decor, food, etc. The $5,000 is our main concern, however. Prom venues have filled up quickly and we would need the money to book the venue. The class of 21' has missed out on so many events, so it would mean so much to us if you help up by donating money so that we can have a prom.
We are beyond grateful for every single donation! We cannot put into words how thankful we are for the amount of support we have received. This means the absolute world to us. Nowthat we have raised enough to pay for the venue, we are going to raise the goal to $8,000 to pay for things such as decorations, a DJ, catering, etc. as well as trying to set up a fundraiser such as a car wash and starting to sell tickets. We cannot thank everyone enough for the support!- Hillwood Class of 2021 Student Council