Tax deductible
The Jack Savage Foundation and The Annual Ski A Thon are dedicated to conquering more than just the slopes but also conquering Pediatric, Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Cancers benefitting MD Anderson Children's Cancer Hospital
Join us and support the fight against Pediatric and Adolescent/Young Adult (AYA) Cancers. This exceptional group of heroes is joining together on February 9 -13, 2023, to join the fight against Pediatric/AYA cancer, all while remembering Jack Savage, the gentle giant. Jack Savages' friends and family are rallying in Heavenly, Lake Tahoe, California, to raise awareness and funds benefitting young patients and their families at The MD Anderson Children's Cancer Hospital.
Be a part of the adventure by supporting a team for a weekend of fellowship, skiing, snowboarding, and enjoying the friendly race and mountain competitions, all while creating awareness and fundraising in our pursuit to end all childhood cancers.
We will close the event with a Silent Auction and Awards Program for all our skiers, fundraising teams, donors, and sponsors!
All skiers are paying their own travel and trip expenses so that all funds raised go directly to the Jack Savage Foundation, benefitting the MD Anderson Children's Cancer Hospital and are tax deductible. (EIN: 87-3272888)
Want to join me in making a difference? Please help us increase awareness by sharing the JackSavageFoundation.Org and our Go Fund Me Jack Savage Foundation Annual Ski A Thon 2023 Campaigns on your social media and social circles. Please sponsor our teams, raising awareness and funds; any donation will help make an impact.
Thank you in advance for all your continued support and contributions in the fight for the cure to END Childhood Cancer. Please visit the Jack Savage Foundation for more information and ways to support this important cause that means so much to me, our family, our friends, and especially the young patients who fight so bravely.
We carry on his legacy and continue his fight to help others as we remember Jack Savage by creating awareness and funds to fight Pediatric and AYA Childhood Cancers
Thank you,
Jenny Savage
Jack Savage Foundation.Org Jack Savage Ski A Thon
Houston, TX
The Jack Savage Foundation, Inc