St. Joseph the Worker Mural Project
WHAT WE’RE DOING (Keep clicking "Read more" below!)
We’re painting a mural to honor St. Joseph the Worker in the heart of Detroit.
We are working to identify a large wall near St. Joseph Shrine in the Eastern Market neighborhood located on the Dequindre Cut (the Motor City’s award-winning urban greenway and recreational path).
We plan to design and complete the project this Summer.
And we need to raise $20,000 to make it happen!
Pope Francis has dedicated this year to St. Joseph. So there's never been a more fitting time to honor this great saint, foster father of Jesus, and protector of the Universal Church.
No donation is too small! But we'll take big ones too! Become a patron of the arts and help us bring more Catholic beauty to the city of Detroit with a new mural of St. Joseph the Worker.
Every single donor to The Joseph Wall becomes a patron of the arts and a supporter of this great project of urban Catholic renewal. To show our thanks, we created the following patron levels:
- Worker ($1-49) Anyone who generously donates to the project will receive an invitation to attend the official unveiling of the completed mural.
- Pillar ($50) Donors who give at least $50 will also receive a framed photograph of the completed mural.
- Artisan ($100) For donations of $100, you'll receive a framed photograph of the completed mural, signed by the artist, Elton Monroy Dúran.
- Protector ($250) For donations of $250, you'll also receive a part of the mural itself (stencils and other pieces used by the artist during painting).
- Guardian ($500) Donors who support this project by giving $500 or more will also have their names (or a loved one's name) included on the mural as part of a prayer exhorting viewers to pray for the patron.
- Patriarch ($1000+) For donations of $1000 or more, you'll also become a part of the beauty of the Detroit landscape by having your face painted as a part of the mural itself.
How else can I help?
Help us spread the news! Click the Share button to spread the word to your family and friends. Or just tell them to go to TheJosephWall.com!
Where is the wall?
Working with the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy, we plan to paint a large wall in Detroit's Dequindre Cut, an urban greenway that connects the city's award-winning riverwalk to the Eastern Market and Midtown neighborhoods. It runs right next to St. Joseph Shrine (see below).
How long will the project take?
We're projecting to begin the design phase in early May and begin painting in June. Our goal is to complete the project before August.
Why $20,000?
Because St. Joseph deserves a world-class artist AND world-class artists need to be justly compensated for their time and energy. What we paint here will honor St. Joseph and bring lasting beauty to Detroit for years to come.
What's to keep the mural from being vandalized?
The Dequindre Cut is lined with CCTV and is monitored 24 hours a day by real security guards.
What happens if you raise more than the $20,000 goal?
Anything raised beyond this initial goal will be given to the St. Joseph Shrine Historic Renewal fund.When should I expect to receive my donor gift?
As soon as possible! For those gifts that need to be mailed, our best estimate right now is 4-6 weeks after the completion of the mural (estimated completion is July/August). We will keep you updated via email.
How do the patron levels work?
Each patron level includes the gifts of the previous tier. For example, if you donated $500, your name will be listed as a donor on the mural itself, you'll receive the signed photograph of the wall and you'll receive an invitation to the unveiling.
Have other questions or comments?
Please click the Contact button below.
Fundraising team (3)