The Missions Journey is to Africa!
My name is Barry Euquan Knighton and I am a graduate of the Abundant Life Academy in Hardeeville, SC and a graduate of the University of South Carolina with a Bachelor’s Degree in History. In May 2017, I will be graduating with my Masters of Social Work Degree from the University of South Carolina.
The Experience
The purpose of this service-learning missions project is to provide hands-on social work experience in Accra, Ghana. We will be working with vulnerable children, adolescents, and their caregivers using psychoeducation and training activities, as well as, one-on-one and group interactions in contexts of home, school, and play. This is being recommended by the University of South Carolina's College of Social Work and sponsored Projects Abroad in General Care Projects. For more information, click
Partnership With Me
Would you partner with me on this amazing journey? Monetary contributions will be accepted in the amounts of $10, $25, $50, $100 or any amount. If you desire to sow, know your contribution is for a worthy cause. Also, we do plan to purchase supplies (toiletries, art supplies, school supplies, etc.) for the children and caregivers. As you sow into in me, you are investing in the lives of at-risk children. What a privilege and honor!
Thank you in advance for your help!
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me via email at [email redacted].edu. If via email, please put in the Subject Line "Africa Trip 2017".
Donation Instructions
Donations may be received in either of three ways:
1) Payments may be made directly "Projects Abroad" 80 Broad St. Suite 3210, New York, NY 10004. In the memo line, please put "Barry Knighton".
2) Makes checks payable directly to “Barry Euquan Knighton” Checks should be mailed to Post Office Box 1615, Columbia, South Carolina 29202. Include in the memo “May 2017 Africa Serving Learning Missions Contribution”.
3) Donate on GoFundMe
Barry Euquan Knighton
University of South Carolina College of Social Work
Master of Social Work Candidate
Class of 2017