I am writing to you on behalf of the Board of The Lagunitas Project, a 501 (c) 3 non profit organization located in Northern California.
On May 21st 2021, Marin County Superior Court ended nearly 50 years of environmental work at The Last Resort, a sustainably built compound of 37 buildings located in Lagunitas, CA.
David Lee Hoffman, 76, founder of The Last Resort, has been ordered to vacate within 90 days. According to the county, bulldozing the property may be the best marketable solution for recouping $1.2M in permitting penalties and fees.
The Sierra Club endorses The Last Resort as modeling a near closed-loop way of life:
"In the spirit of “waste is not waste until it’s wasted”, The Last Resort is an environmental model of sustainable and harmonious living. It attempts to assimilate both natural methods from the past with modern know-how to create a living system that effectively demonstrates possibilities of thriving in a non-polluting healthy environment. Its mission is to discover and perfect practical low-cost sustainable methods for waste management, water reuse, and food security. To this end, a unique integrated bio-management system has been successfully developed. "
Thousands of supporters from around the globe have signed petitions and written letters to save the property. Unfortunately, unless we raise the funds to purchase the property and bring buildings into code compliance, this Marin County legacy of the Back-to-the-Land Movement will be lost to the community.
Please take a moment to read The Lagunitas Project's Comprehensive Plan (see link: https://thelagunitasproject.org/comprehensive-plan/) and help us Save the Last Resort.
Thank you for your time.
Paul Seaton, Executive Director
The Lagunitas Project
Paul Seaton
Lagunitas, CA
The Lagunitas Project