The Legacy of Adam
Donation protected

The Legacy of Adam is the story of how the Great King saved his people; us the human race. You will meet Adam, Abraham and Ishmael, David and Goliath, Jesus and many more.
The stories are selected from the scriptures of the Holy Bible. It is child friendly series created in Tanzania, and it is free to watch and share together with its music.
This is the first motion captured animated series ever made in East Africa.
My name is Roger Gihlemoen, I'm a missionary in Tanzania, and for the last few years I've been working on this amazing project, creating animation films for children and young in East Africa.
Follow Gods great masterplan for human salvation through preparations of a nation over several thousands of years until God himself became man and himself made the biggest sacrifice, his life.
See our first film here:
The Legacy of Adam is 20 episodes short episodes that start with Adam and Eve and ends with Jesus and his great sacrifice to save the human race.
In the very beginning, God made Adam and Eve and they both lived together with God. But then they got separated from God and had to leave his presence. This is the story of how God prepared a plan of astronomical proportions in order to reunite the human race and God once more.

The story
The Norwegian Lutheran Mission (NLM) has always reached out with the gospel to unreached people groups around the world and have had their presence in 15 countries over the last 128 years. And when they hired the animator Roger Gihlemoen , the idea of making films was born. Roger is a multi-award-winning artist with a passion for visual effects, storytelling and a dash of odd humor. He has more than 15 years of experience in films, commercials, theater, and tv. Until now he has produced everything single-handed, but after the funding, he will use his network of animators to complete the Legacy of Adam.
Initially, the idea for the film came from the lack of content for children and young in East Africa. With 44.8% of the population below the age of 15 , they are a young population. But they are not prioritized, so if they get to watch something it is not in their language nor for their age group.
We hope to inspire other filmmakers to follow in our footsteps by being the pioneers and make Tanzanias` first animation series in Swahili.
Adam meets Eva dor the first time

With little or no content produced from this part of the world, the impact we could have, might be enormous. Help us make good childhood memories as people will recognize their culture in these films.
And the way the series is build up, it will be a great tool for teaching theological fundamentals in an easy way, not only in Africa but worldwide as we will translate and dub the films to many languages.
The stories are chosen so both Christians and Muslims will recognize them and therefore get the opportunity to study the stories together.
Why support us?
While Roger is the glue in this production he has gotten a few very important co-workers.
Since the beginning of the production, Leila Mohammed and Ester Daniel have worked as production assistants here in Tanzania, working with everything from casting, legal issues, grip to face tracking.
Our acting troupe consisted of 7 actors with a solid core of 4 actors; Stella Situma from Kenya, William Marungi, Hammerson Luhanga and Geric Kimaro all from Tanzania. We have had three dancers that all came from Ibuka Dance foundation here in Arusha, Tanzania.
The technical team consists of Jason Thomas, a Brit living in Tanzania, who is a brilliant drawer and a good character artist, he will continue to develop the 75 characters present in this film.
He is accompanied by Therese Burum from Norway, a former student of Roger, who has a keen eye for human sculpting and anatomy.
The music has been produced by Daniel Reinaru in Crux Media in Estonia , while the film score was handled by Ido Kashi in Israel.
To handle the massive amount of film material in the production, the India based studio Apple Arts are eagerly awaiting to chew through terabytes of motion capture and face data.
So far we have also relied heavily on volunteers to translate and
Additional artists from around the world will be included to realize this international cooperation.
International cooperation
Our film crew and actors.

Our first episode is produced and airing, it is a proof of concept itself. Go and see it if you haven't yet.
We have been inspired by East African artwork and patterns.
And we have a lot of artwork already made for episodes to come.
The style of recycled metal, paper, and clay really work well together and it is really fun to see metal striped elephants walk around in the garden of Eden.
The entire series of 20 episodes have already been recorded and we have made a rough cut, the stories are there, they work, and now we need to transform our data into animations.
The style of our films
We produce a high amount of quality animation on a very low budget.
Our budget is approx 3-10% of what a similar commercial production would be.
This is what we need:
Animation (41%) ~300.000 USD
Asset creation (17%) ~125.000 USD
Render and compositing (22%) ~160.000 USD
Sound and dubbing (2%) ~15.100 USD
Software (1%) ~4.900 USD
(Simulation (17%) ~128.000 USD stretch goal)
Total 605.000 USD
(stretch goal 733.000 USD)

Our budget
We are eager to finish this project and unleash its full potential, but we are dependent on funding to make it happen.
Have a look at these ways of contributing to our project.
This is by far the most efficient way you can help our project.
We need your donation to reach our goal!
You could, for example, share the donation from your congregation with us, this is outreach, this is church!
When we reach our goal we can ship all our files to India and get this started!
Spread the word!
We rely on people to share our project. Please share our films and let others know about our campaign!
Remember the final product will be free, so let us give as many as possible the possibility to know about this resource.
Stay with us
The best way to follow our production is on Instagram, we have been posting our progress there since the beginning, and we will continue to do so. It was in Swahili, but now it's in English.
Our great films require great music, so we gathered talented artists from all over Tanzania and had them work with Crux media in Estonia, the result was high quality pop song.
Another really cool thing is our Henna drawings, Henna is a herb used to make traditional decorative patterns on the skin. We use it to tell our bible stories, and reach out to our Muslim neighbours.
Auch! Side effects.
Our henna drawings explain the bible stories. (They will soon be awailable on youtube.)

Please listen to our music in Swahili here.
Wow, you are persistent, you have reached the end of our information sheet and you still want to know more?
Ok, here is an extencive 14 min long informational video with English subtitles, enjoy, and don´t forget to fund us!
Fundraising team: Legacy facilitators (6)
Roger Gihlemoen
Knapstad, 1
Håkon Rydland
Team member
Johan Sundqvist
Team member
Kjersti Marken
Team member
Kriis Duva
Team member