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The Life of Cpl. Cesar “Nova” Villanueva

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Cpl. Cesar “Nova” Villanueva was one of the eight Marines aboard the AAV that sunk July 30th. Cpl Villanueva was apart of 1/4 Bravo Co. Batallion Landing Team 15th MEU. This fundraiser is for any financial inconveniences his wife or family may encounter during this time of mourning.

I served with Nova with FAST Co. Bravo Co. 4th plt and deployed to Bahrain with him. He constantly exemplified what hard work and what ‘Right’ looks like as Marine. Nova was more than kind-hearted and always was cracking jokes. These are some things that he should be remembered for forever.

May you rest beautifully with your ukulele Nova,

Cpl. Cesar “Nova” Villanueva

1/4 Bravo Co. BLT 15th MEU


  • Joe Warnagiris
    • $500
    • 4 yrs
  • Linda Luber
    • $200
    • 4 yrs
  • Jonathan Nguyen
    • $25
    • 4 yrs
  • Faith Community
    • $200
    • 4 yrs
  • Christina Cicchetti
    • $25
    • 4 yrs

Spendenteam (2)

Jonathan Pinkston
Lackey, VA
Sarah Villanueva
Taylor Connors
Team member

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