The Longest Night Ultramarathon for Mental Health
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Raise Money for Mental Health While I Run ALL NIGHT LONG!
WHAT - All night solo run on the longest night of the year to raise money for mental health
WHEN - From sun-down on 12/21 to sun-up on 12/22
WHY - Because many have a hard time feeling joy, even during the holidays, and this is a way we can love and support them
WHO - Paul Burgess, a minister transitioning churches with plenty of time this December for a run
WHERE - Smithfield, North Carolina
HOW MUCH - I set my goal at $2,021, but I hope we smash it! Pledge a certain amount per mile and let's see how much we raise!
WHEN - From sun-down on 12/21 to sun-up on 12/22
WHY - Because many have a hard time feeling joy, even during the holidays, and this is a way we can love and support them
WHO - Paul Burgess, a minister transitioning churches with plenty of time this December for a run
WHERE - Smithfield, North Carolina
HOW MUCH - I set my goal at $2,021, but I hope we smash it! Pledge a certain amount per mile and let's see how much we raise!
December is recognized by many in our world as a time for joyous celebration. Sadly, though, not everyone experiences it that way. While some approach the season with cheer, the excitement of seeing family, and gratitude for life's good gifts, many others meet it feeling the burden of depression, the pain of grief, and the loneliness of being unable to "get in the spirit."
It doesn't help that, during this time of year, the days are shorter, and the nights are long. For many, these prolonged periods of darkness are a cruel metaphor for the lightless times those who struggle must endure.
Throughout the years, churches have tried to recognize the difficulty of this season for those suffering grief, pain, and, in particular, mental illness. They've done so by hosting a special service on the evening of the winter solstice, the longest night of the year. The purpose of the service is to recognize, create space for, and encourage those who find the holidays difficult, and to raise awareness about mental health among those who might never stop to consider the long night that December can be.
This year, I want to embody that spirit of encouragement and awareness through holding my own type of "Longest Night" service. Mental Health is a topic that's important to me; as a minister, I've tried to be transparent about my own journey with depression and anxiety to help de-stigmatize issues that touch more lives than many have ever imagined. Also, I really like to run.
So on December 21--winter solstice--I plan to run from sun-down to sun-up, literally trudging through the longest night of the year, as a way of raising money to promote mental health.
And you can cheer me on!
By pledging to donate a certain amount for every mile I'm able to cover throughout the night. All money will go directly to the North Carolina chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness , one of the leading nonprofits promoting mental health in our country.
I'm getting some of my tech-savvy friends to create an event for me on Facebook; they'll be following me all night long to ensure my safety and provide updates on my progress. When the sun comes up on December 22, we'll post the final mileage and celebrate the truth that we can conquer dark times, so long as we just keep moving and lean on each other.
I hope you'll join us--see you on the solstice!
Spendenteam (4)
Paul Burgess
Chapel Hill, NC
Eliza Burgess
Team member
Lance Rogerson
Team member
Mike Womble
Team member