The loss of my father Francisco Altamirano
My father, Francisco Altamirano Ramos unfortunately passed away June 07,2020 on a Sunday afternoon. My father had a rough childhood working since the age of 12. He didn’t have a. chance to enjoy his youth the way most kids did but against financial and emotional hardships he managed to work his way to the United States, get his citizenship at the age of 18! Began his family here and gave his family a chance at a better life, my family wishes to return the favor and give him a proper burial for everything he has done for us. We wish to honor the fond memories me and my family had growing up up as kids, moments in our childhoods that he didn’t get to have growing up, We are all human and in this life things aren’t always fair and unfortunately because of most of the jobs being closed due to the current pandemic we need some assistance paying for the funeral expenses, We understand many are in a similar situation financially so don’t feel forced to donate! But if you wish to do so anything will help and would be greatly appreciated, and We hope the best too everyone whether you donate or not.
Thank you for any support you can give. -Altamirano Family