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The name given to me symbolizes the journey I made to get here and the journey I will take in order to achieve my purpose: Contribution, Service, and Growth. Doing this by helping the world (and self) recognize and realize certain aspects of being in order to reflect as individuals (minorities) and as a collective. Took me a long time to travel outside of myself and within myself to find the love that is the foundation and explanation for why I create what I create. No, my name is not This Minority or Theo Minori.
This short bio is vague as hell and at the same time extremely telling. I figured I’d add this little part right here because I am asking you, who graciously visits this page, to help me fund the visuals and legal matters for my project, THE MINORITY REPORT.
I was born feeling like nothing…
A tad bit dramatic start but this is how I felt. Born with a loss and feeling lost really made me thirst for nothing really. This loss being my father being killed months before I was born. I would laugh on the outside but I really didn’t care about much. Making your family laugh and laughing just to hide from the pain could make you numb. This saddened and even angered me at times. At one point, at the age of 7,I really didn’t want to live anymore but didn’t have it in me to push hard enough to end my life. So life moved on but I wouldn’t necessarily say it progressed- I just moved with it, aimlessly.
Growing up I saw those around me struggle with their demons and battle demons from others. Demon types being regrets, rape, drug abuse, self doubt, and the weight of feeling like no one couldn't possibly love you. I saw myself following suit and that shit was beyond depressing.
But I mean, that is a part of life huh?
Going through your shit, accumulating trauma and you come across people who are actively fighting their trauma. Then they start fighting you and this builds more traumas. A disastrous loop I’m reflecting on as I write whatever type of ask this is.
Growing up, I saw myself falling into this loop and somehow knew we, as people, deserve better than trauma monopolizing or controlling our lives. To be honest, when this thought first came to me I only had myself in mind-not people-as someone who deserves better. So I left my home to go to college just to get away. I was blessed to fall through the cracks and have a smart enough mind to barely excel in things I wasn’t interested in at that time.
I majored in accounting because my grandmother said it was a good fit since I was good in math. Little did we know math wasn’t the main thing in accounting but oh well, it was away from that disastrous loop I’ve grown up watching.
Lazily, I coasted through college as I did most things, just barely making it so I can get by. Yada yada, I received my CPA & MBA 2 years after finishing college. People told me that I could maximize my career potential getting these so I put the time in. Studying for those two years should have paid off when I received the last passing notification for the CPA exam but something felt off. Everyone was happy for me but I didn’t really feel like I accomplished anything. I was just running away from home but really, didn’t have any place to go. I left with no destination in mind so I was still aimless. I never saw something to find a sense of fulfillment in.
Thinking about it, I don’t think I cared about any of the things I did, maybe because either I was told by people to do so or I was running away from fates I saw as pits. I did have some people to care for and they care for me but I really had nothing of my own…
That is until I finished something others would deem amazing or as successful and I not feel that fulfillment. This is when I realized I was in danger of falling into another loop. This is the loop of trying to achieve another’s definition of success. I mean, you grow up in a family where many don’t make it to college and you not only do it but finish, you better be successful. But can you truly be successful if you’re not happy and/or feel fulfilled?
I found a BIG FAT NO after I finished the traditional way of education and took a road not traveled… my road. I had little understanding of what that looked like but I can say it started off with this J. Cole line from Bas's song Night Job that sparked something:
"My only adversary was my own mind killed my ego now I'm snappin' like it's 09 with a goldmine of inspiration for y'all"
I heard that and it was like I was a sleeper cell and that shit woke me up. I found out that during all of this escaping, I've managed to overcome myself and some demons to a certain degree. Thinking about that line resonated with me so much because it made me realize I'm not the only one who was hurting and there are people who need a line or more some type of way.
Then shortly after this realization it was like my path lit up for me. I found interest in inspirational speaking. I really didn't know where to start because I had sickening anxiety but sometimes things just fall in your lap when you want them bad enough.
I lived an example of this when attending an accountant conference and saw this amazing presenter who was doing a class on public speaking. I was so amazed and had to asked him how he got to where he is. He gave some crazy gems but the most important ones were to sign up for toastmasters so my public speaking improves and take dance classes to move confidently when speaking.
In doing these I experienced slam poetry, where I saw this beyond amazing poet named ICon that made me literally feel like that is what I should be doing. Then I really started to grow as a writer and sort through some of the things I overcame…
Look at them from different perspectives. One being looking beyond myself and finding immense strength from my mom, who endured so much and still has strength to keep pushing. That pushes me to continue to create even though I am bombarded with negative thoughts.
I grew to realize that not only traumas surrounded me but people with amazing power surrounded me as well. This power goes through my pen when I write poetry.
I also realize that I did not get here alone, and there were amazing people that helped me find something that I really love. Something that can make me feel fulfilled…
It was right under my nose this whole time. It was you…
The reader, the skimmer, the non reader…
Connecting with people and/or helping them lift themselves makes my spirit feel full. It started off with me pursuing public speaking (and I'll go back to it), then some poetry moments that were poetic in itself that I will always treasure in my heart and that grew to me making music. I found out that I am really blessed with a talent to make word patterns that can not only be entertaining and help people lift themselves but can also inspire people to do the same. I love you all and saying that makes me feel fulfilled.
So this project you are helping to fund, if you didn’t see my Introduction video, is a brief collection of my reflections on me changing or better yet recognizing who I want to be and what I realized during this change. I would love for you to be a part of funding the visual voted for and possibly help fund the next project (lil 3 song sum) before I partner with a record label.
I appreciate you being a part of something I didn’t dream of as a boy but at the same time will continue to do so that the same little boy can always feel like he is something by simply living my truth. Even though sometimes people in this world, some people, try to make your truth invalid. That's why this is THE MINORITY REPORT, because I am the only ONE WITH MY TRUTH and the ONLY ONE THAT CAN NOT ONLY FULLY RECOGNIZE IT BUT ALSO USE IT AT ITS FULL POTENTIAL.
Also, if you'd like to know, my current influences are high energy musicians or those who are mad deep like Schoolboy q, Landlady, Overcoats, Ray Charles, El Michels Affair, Funky notes, Billie Eilish, Noname, The O'My's, Tom Waits, Run The Jewels and others. I typically listen to these people on a playlist I made before going to the studio.
Theo Minori
New Orleans, LA