Help Support 26.2 for LiveonNY
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Dear Friends & Family,
After years of watching family members run the iconic New York City Marathon supporting the Marcie Mazzola foundation, I too, was crazy enough to decide it was my turn to join the 26.2 club - and for another amazing cause!
I’m proud to be running for Team LiveOnNY, whose mission is to save lives, provide comfort, and strengthen legacies through organ, eye and tissue donation. This foundation has not only affected my family but so many others in need of organ & tissue donations. Your support will keep me running, smiling, and dancing throughout all 26.2 miles - every donation counts!
Cheers to 26.2 for LiveOnNY and join the Mazzola crew on their crawl through the city on race day.
<3 Annie Hope
Annie Hope Mazzola
San Francisco, CA