The NICU Parent Partnership Launch
Donation protected
18th September 2014 our lives were changed forever after the birth of our first son.
Tweleve hours later we were thrust into a world no one told us about.
One that is in every hospital and affects 1 in 8 babies and families born in the UK.
It is housed behind the double doors you've probably walked past a hundred times and never thought about, the Neo Natal Intensive Care Unit.
Our son was admitted after having cynatic episodes which were caused by an undiagnosed heart defect. He also suffered a neo natal stroke.
We were lost, we didn't know what we should do, how we should feel.
According to a Bliss Report 3/4 of NICU Parents' mental health will be affected as a result. Something I know too well after going on to develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
I searched frantically online during our time in NICU to find anything, anyone I could relate to.

All I wanted in the world was someone who had been through it to come and sit down and be honest with me, tell me whatever I was feeling was okay.
I started my blog http://confessionsofanicumum.blogspot.com/?m=1 as a way to help others, raise awareness and comfort/support others going through their NICU journey so no one felt as alone as we did.
The mental health support for NICU Parents is severely lacking and many will have gone through the same as us.
We want to change that by launching The NICU Parent Partnership.
A dedicated place online where NICU parents,siblings, grandparents, family and friends, can find honest and accessible blogs, podcasts, resources, information, peer to peer support via a group chat facility and one to one support via a NICU Buddy.
An inclusive place for all things NICU so no one feels alone or unsupported and everyonehas someone they can talk too both during and after their time in NICU.

We of course need funding to get this off the ground, to build the website, buy the domain amd integrate the group chat feature, host the training for our NICU buddies, marketing materials and costs that will be incurred to launch The NICU Parent Partnership platform.
We are greatful for any support you may be able to give to us whether it be monetary, via social media or if you feel you may be able to help us in another way or want to get involved please do contact us.
Having a baby in NICU for any length of time is a deeply trauamtic time for all of the family and we can't change that but we can support and help by listening and sharing our own experiences so that no one ever feels alone in this journey like we did.
Thank you.
Vicki and Greg Cockerill
The NICU Parent Partnership
Tweleve hours later we were thrust into a world no one told us about.
One that is in every hospital and affects 1 in 8 babies and families born in the UK.
It is housed behind the double doors you've probably walked past a hundred times and never thought about, the Neo Natal Intensive Care Unit.
Our son was admitted after having cynatic episodes which were caused by an undiagnosed heart defect. He also suffered a neo natal stroke.
We were lost, we didn't know what we should do, how we should feel.
According to a Bliss Report 3/4 of NICU Parents' mental health will be affected as a result. Something I know too well after going on to develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
I searched frantically online during our time in NICU to find anything, anyone I could relate to.

All I wanted in the world was someone who had been through it to come and sit down and be honest with me, tell me whatever I was feeling was okay.
I started my blog http://confessionsofanicumum.blogspot.com/?m=1 as a way to help others, raise awareness and comfort/support others going through their NICU journey so no one felt as alone as we did.
The mental health support for NICU Parents is severely lacking and many will have gone through the same as us.
We want to change that by launching The NICU Parent Partnership.
A dedicated place online where NICU parents,siblings, grandparents, family and friends, can find honest and accessible blogs, podcasts, resources, information, peer to peer support via a group chat facility and one to one support via a NICU Buddy.
An inclusive place for all things NICU so no one feels alone or unsupported and everyonehas someone they can talk too both during and after their time in NICU.

We of course need funding to get this off the ground, to build the website, buy the domain amd integrate the group chat feature, host the training for our NICU buddies, marketing materials and costs that will be incurred to launch The NICU Parent Partnership platform.
We are greatful for any support you may be able to give to us whether it be monetary, via social media or if you feel you may be able to help us in another way or want to get involved please do contact us.
Having a baby in NICU for any length of time is a deeply trauamtic time for all of the family and we can't change that but we can support and help by listening and sharing our own experiences so that no one ever feels alone in this journey like we did.
Thank you.
Vicki and Greg Cockerill
The NICU Parent Partnership
Vicki Cockerill