Feeding Bali’s People - The People Must Makan(eat)
I’ve taken it upon myself to collect donations to purchase & distribute food supplies to local communities that are currently struggling. For the donators, I’ve offered to gift my drone panoramic image of south Bali.
I’ve been working with BaliLife Foundation amongst other influential residents in our community to locate individuals and families that are struggling during this economic crisis.
With all of the donations, I've handled all purchasing of the food and distribution in local communities. I've documented every purchase and delivery and diligently post daily updates on my social media platforms.
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So much has changed economically in these last weeks and sadly the upcoming weeks will only be more difficult. I hope to offset as much as I can and encourage everyone to try for the same however they can. $20usd feeds a family for 2 weeks!
Please spread the word, spread positivity in your environment & uplift one another so we overcome these challenging times stronger than we entered them.
The People Must Makan ✊