The People's Joker Crowd Fund
$1-$20.....................................................................................special thanks film credit
$50+.................all of the above + digital download of director's commentary
$100+..........the above + digital download of The People's Joker soundtrack
$500+...................................................................the above + assoc. producer credit
$1000+................................................................above + executive producer credit
Hi! I’m Emmy nominated filmmaker Vera Drew, and four months ago I announced to the world that I was remixing 2019’s Joker into a queer coming-of-age film about being a trans woman working in comedy. I have written a feature length script, set in the Batman universe, with Lady Dynamite’s Bri LeRose that uses clips from Todd Phillip’s Oscar nominated film, footage of Jokers past and movies featuring clowns, as well as additional scenes that I will be shooting with a small crew. In May, we opened up the creative process to any other quarantined animators, musicians, filmmakers and actors who wanted to contribute. The response was overwhelming and over 150 talented artists responded, most of them queer-identifying or trans.
Needless to say, the scope of this project has increased and I am treating this like my first feature film. In September, I will be shooting the additional material I need to complete it. That’s where you come in. Look... the year is 2020. People are getting the shit kicked out of them by pigs, everyone is broke or jobless, not to mention the pandemic...there is a million better places you could be donating your money, but if it is in your means and you feel like making a bunch of marginalized artists’ dreams come true, throw us a few shekels! The money you donate towards this project will go towards a decent lighting package, camera rentals, the cost of submitting this to festivals and meals for my crew, as well as resources to keep us safe from spreading the virus to each other.
This film has it all... a deep faked Jared Leto as my shitty comedian ex boyfriend, a song by one of the greatest Emo bands of all time, Finch, Tim Heidecker portraying someone who is *definitely* not based on Alex Jones, segments by Vic Berger, DataErase, and Everything is Terrible, and of course the world’s first portrayal of the Joker by a trans woman. Not only will you be credited as a financier on what I can say with no hesitation is going to be a ground breaking film, depending on how much you donate, we will throw in some exclusive merch, access to behind the scenes material and much more.
Joker belongs to the People now. Join our revolution today.
Because comedy... is not a crime.
Copyright and trademark infringement is, but look...I aint tryin to fool anybody. This this is not officially under the DC or WB umbrella (yet? call me, guys...this thing will only help your companies) and I am making no profits from this. All funds raise are going right into the project and any left over donations will be donated to bail funds for LGBTQ+ people.