The Peter Chumo Appreciation Fund
On Sunday February 14 Peter Chumo's life changed, in an instant, when he was rear-ended in a hit-and-run at highway speed on Interstate 580. He remembers the impact and then woke up in an ambulance.
He was going the speed limit in the far right lane, or second to right lane. He’s told that after the impact he crossed all lanes, bounced off the guardrail of the center divide, and then crossed all lanes again. His car came to a stop on the far right shoulder. He doesn’t remember any of that. His mom, Gloriana, died on the scene. Gratefully, he’s told she didn’t suffer as she likely died instantly. She was 82.
Peter has multiple broken ribs, a ruptured disc, a broken foot, and a broken heart. He's in a lot of pain, both physically and emotionally. And he's in the hospital alone, amidst a global pandemic. It's a long road ahead, to try to physically heal and emotionally accept something that makes no sense at all.
Word spread quickly through his network of current and former colleagues, near and far. Shocked and saddened by the startling news.
Peter made a real impression on people. A polite, thoughtful professional who works with words. His disposable film cameras at company events, and a white envelope of photos that would show up on your desk months later. His all black ensemble on days when he worked at the Piedmont Theatre later that evening. His no cell phone lifestyle. And the loving dedication he showed towards his mom whom he cared for, for years. Gentle, genuine kindness personified.
Let's flood this effort with donations and comments in appreciation of Peter Chumo. As one of his current colleagues said "He's built mountains of good will just being himself." Now, more than ever, he needs to know how much he is appreciated and loved and that he has the support of his extended network of colleagues and friends.
Note: Most photos taken on Peter's disposable film cameras at company events and dropped off on the desks of each colleague in a white envelope, with their name chicken-scratched on the front in ball-point pen, months later. And then those physical prints taken years ago were produced, virtually on demand, by those same colleagues when the call went out for photos from Peter.