'The Promised Land' Development Project, Sierra Leone
After receiving an initial donation of £1,000, Maranatha Christian Outreach Ministries acquired a piece of land, the plan is to develop this land and build a Christian Training Centre and develop a Missionary Training Program. This will create a hub for discipleship training in the area where the charity operates. The land will also be used to house several micro-enterprises such as farming, soap making, bee-keeping and purified water sales. The overarching aim of this project is to make Maranatha Christian Outreach Ministries self-sustainable so that disciples will continue to be made for many years to come (without reliance on international donors). This is a 5-year plan, though should funding become available sooner the completion of the project will be expedited.
The Promised Land Project will see the development of a piece of land that has been purchased in Kailahun by the charity. The land will be developed in the following way: -
• Build a house for the caretaker/security.
• Purchase gardening and small-scale farming equipment and plant small cash crops and fruit trees.
• Build animal shelters and purchase livestock to breed, creating an income source through the sale of meat and eggs.
• Introduce beehives to the land and produce honey. (Possibly introduce bees wax candle making).
• Build a mission house where the project manager will live. This house will also be used for visiting missionaries to stay and may be used as a guest house when there are rooms available.
• Dig a well and install a water pump.
• Install water filtration units (using Lifewater UK Kits) and sell affordable, clean, and safe drinking water to local people.
• Build a workshop to house an animal feed milling system to make animal feed.
• Build a soap-making workshop.
• Build a Ministry Training Centre to host various trainings, with accommodation for up to 20 people. Here we will develop a Missionary Training Program.
• Build a toilet and shower block.
• Build a local outdoor kitchen.
• Build a small shop to sell the produce from the land and the clean water.
Lorraine Patience
Maranatha Christian Outreach Ministries