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My entire life has been about entertainment! From the age of 9 when I sang for the first time in front of an audience, "Oh, Martha I'm Upset" I was hooked. I haven't stopped coming for Martha ever since. From independent records to theatre to the airwaves, I cannot imagine a moment without standing tall (well ok I'm short, it's a mental thing) and connecting with as many people as possible. I like to make people laugh and think and find connections.

When I came back to Spokane I knew I had to be my loud self again, so I started a podcast, The QueerCentric, with my producer Kurt Schmierer. I wanted to have conversations again, to encourage discourse. That's exactly what we did as each week we have on community members to talk about the World around us, to discover how to laugh together and find that people are "more alike than we are unalike."

Now it is time to take the show and the entertainment with a message to the next level. That is where TQC: NOW THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT comes in. Think of it as a late-night talk show like Corden or Colbert but with a larger-than-life queer guy at the helm. (That's me in case you were curious ) It's music, live comedians, and an awesome film critic since we are so close to the gay Superbowl! (The Oscars! See you are learning so much!) It's for everyone! All walks of life, however, you identify because in the end, we are a community of humans that really can get along.

I dream of this being a regular event, I am hugely grateful to my team and for the Spokane Central Library and its amazing stage and space. To put on the show I long to do, to have a band, to have it catered for you, to do the little incidentals I realized, "Oh I may have to forget about groceries or maybe a roof if I fund it all myself." If you know me you know I don't love to ask for help. No matter what I am doing it feels frivolous to ask, but I come to you now. I believe in my vision with all of my being, I KNOW I can deliver a show you will NOT forget, and I believe in standing up and being seen. I need your help. I don't have much time, but I come to you now and ask. Laughter is oh so important in this world, conversation is a lost art, and music is life. It may seem unimportant to some, but to others, it is a lifeline.

Thanks for reading!

Equipo de recaudación de fondos (3)

Jonathan Shuffield
Spokane, WA
Jason Shuffield
Team member
Theresa Strong
Team member

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