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The Richardson Unemployed Team Fund

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By order of NYC, The Richardson shuttered her doors at 8pm, Monday March 16.

The covid-19 pandemic is changing life for all of us, quicker & quicker each day.  While the loss of The Richardson is sad for our community of dedicated guests, it is an absolute gut punch to our talented and loyal staff.  In our industry, 'work from home' is not an option.

Our entire team has been laid off so they may apply for their unemployment benefits.  They will all be rehired once the tide turns for the better, but in the meantime, we come here to ask our community for Tips for the Team!

100% of the proceeds from this fund will go directly to our unemployed team members.  Your generosity is greatly appreciated and we look forward to hosting you on the other side of all of this.   ✊♥️


Joel Lee Kulp
Brooklyn, NY

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