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The Roark house fire fund

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Update: Emily and her family spent the night In a motel last night and will stay there until they can find a house to rent. If anyone has any leads on a 3-4 bedroom house preferably in Santee that would be great. Furnished would be ideal since they lost all of their furniture,  but they understand this may not be attainable. They are working with their insurance but this is a long process and still there are so many unanswered questions. In the meantime there has been an abundance of donations of clothing, blanket, baseball stuff, shoes, toiletries etc... The family is so overwhelmed  and grateful for the support of family, friends, and especially the community. For those who are still looking to donate, grocery/restaurant gift cards would probably be the most helpful. Thank you everyone again for everything.  ❤️❤️❤️
My best friend Emily woke up on Memorial Day at 330 in the morning to the smell of smoke. She ran to the kitchen where she saw a billow of smoke, and her house was on fire. She got her mom, boyfriend, and 2 young sons out just in time. They lost everything...including their dog daisy and their bird they've had for 20 years. But thank god they are alive and okay. Please help by donating, anything will help. Thank you in advance.

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  • Anonyme
    • $60
    • 7 yrs
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Erin L Olson
Santee, CA
Emily Roark

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