The Rooster Protected Me
Pet Patrol is a volunteer-run, non-profit cat rescue organization in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. All our cats are spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and any health concerns are addressed before they are available for adoption. Please visit our website for more information about our charity. www.petpatrol.ca
Hi there, my name is Rascal, and boy, do I have a story to tell.
They named me Rascal because even though I was hurt, I still had a lot of spunk when they tried to rescue me! I ended up all alone on a big country property, and I was in a lot of pain because my leg was badly hurt. The coyotes were howling in the bushes at night and I was terrified - I felt so tiny and helpless. I had to find somewhere safe, fast.
That’s when I found the chicken coop. It was dusty and smelled like hay, but the chickens didn’t seem to mind me being there. The rooster even kept me safe from other animals! I hid with them, shaking every time I heard the coyotes or the loud cars passing by on the road. I felt so small in that big, scary world.
Eventually, the people who lived on the farm noticed me. They were kind and started leaving stinky, delicious food for me, and even though I was scared, I began to trust them. One day, I couldn’t resist the soft, comfy cushion on their porch rocking chair, and that’s when they gently scooped me up. They spoke so kindly to me, and deep down, I started to feel like maybe, just maybe, everything would be okay.
Soon, I was in the care of Pet Patrol, and for the first time in a long time, I was warm, fed, and safe. But then the kitty doctor took a look at my leg, and said my ankle and paw were too crushed, and now I need to have my whole leg amputated. It’s scary, but you know what? It’s okay. My leg just gets in the way now, and I know I’ll feel so much better once it’s gone.
Pet Patrol is doing everything they can to take care of me, but my surgery is expensive, and they need help raising the money. I know I can get through this, but I need kind people like you to make it possible. With your support, I’ll be able to run, play, and live the happy life I’ve been dreaming of. Do you think you can help me?
Please add this campaign to your Facebook Page. Thanks!
Jan S.
Waterloo, ON
The Pet Patrol (Elmira) Inc